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Team-Based Learning: competency-based learning comes to the classroom

Óscar Urmeneta, professor at high school Vedruna and Master's Degree at academic staff of the University, is the only professor accredited in Spain to train in this methodology.


01 | 03 | 2024

Students from the Degrees of Education, professors from the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra, and teachers from schools in Navarra experienced first-hand what it means to learn through Team-Based Learning (TBL), an innovative and evidence-based methodology "that fosters the competency-based learning that LOMLOE is currently calling for," said Óscar Urmeneta, TBL Consultant, professor at Master's Degree of academic staff, and the only professor in Spain accredited to train in this methodology .

From his experience as a trainer of academic staff in Fundación Education Católica (FEC), Urmenta explained the origin of this methodology that he applies daily in his History of the Philosophy classes at high school FEC Vedruna in Pamplona. "It adopts an eminently competency-based approach and ensures that the learning of student body is deep, meaningful and lasting. It is an effort for the teacher, but it is really worth it," he said. 

Following a structured series of steps, TBL optimizes the time of class by ensuring that the student body arrives prepared "to dedicate the time of classroom to what really matters: developing the competencies that allow them to use and rigorously apply the theory of the subject, solving real problems in teams through activities with a format typical of this methodology called 4S," explained Urmeneta. "In this way,the teacher goes from being a transmitter of knowledge to a facilitator who guide the process of reflection of student body, which deepens the content and internalizes it by learning from their peers," he said.

According to Urmeneta, there is evidence that the benefits of TBL are multiple: "It is highly motivating and maximizes the effort and habit of individual work , makes learning meaningful and therefore deeper and more lasting, encourages critical thinking, is an excellent driver of change towards active learning and ensures an eminently competent approach ". TBL has, he adds, an additional virtue: "One of the difficulties that teachers encounter when working in teams is to objectively evaluate the individual contribution of each student, but Team-Based Learning has developed different systems of assessment among peers that allow minimizing this serious drawback and grading each student fairly".

This session was part of the conference of Educational Centers organized annually by the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra with the goal to provide training to teachers and professionals in the sector educational, and was the result of a partnership agreement recently signed between the University of Navarra and the Catholic Foundation Education (FEC).


Commitment to the innovation of future teachers

El Máster en Profesorado de la Universidad de Navarra ofrece a su alumnado situarse a la <strong>vanguardia del mundo educativo y de las metodologías innovadoras a través de diplomas acreditados por diferentes organismos internacionales. Así, además de especializarse en la metodología de enseñanza de contenido de lengua extranjera (CLIL o AICLE en español), y en el currículum internacional que avala la organización Bachillerato Internacional, a partir de este curso se formarán y podrán acreditarse oficialmente en Team-Based Learning, obteniendo la primera de sus 3 acreditaciones oficiales: el Knowledge of the Fundamentals of TBL




