Institute for Culture and Society: Participation in activities of other centers and universities (May 2017)
Researchers and collaborators attended activities in Belgium, Chile, El Salvador, Finland, Italy, Poland, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and the United States.
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González participated in the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences 'V Towards a Participatory Society: New Roads to Social and Cultural Integration'. He delivered the session 'Cultural Exclusion and Civil Society'. (Rome, Italy, 29/04-02/05/2017).
Sergio Clavero attended the II workshop 'El bequest de Grecia en la Philosophy alemana' at the University of Malaga, where he presented the communication 'Virtue and recognition. Hegel on friendship' (Málaga, 12/05/2017).
Pilar León Sanz dictated the discussion paper 'Ethics, Communication and Rehabilitation' during a roundtable at the 55th National congress of the Spanish Society of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine (Pamplona, 17-19/05/2017).
Javier Serrano presented the work 'From screen-time to screen-action: Multi-screening, attention and engagement' at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). (San Diego, USA, 25-29/05/2017).
Public discourse
Cristóbal Pagán presented the lecture 'Formulaic creativity: Connecting the main tenets of cognitive linguistics and oral poetics' at the Formula: Units of Speech - 'Words' of Verbal Art. (Helsinki, Finland 17-19/05/2017).
Several members of the project attended the XXXV congress Internacional de la association Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) held at the University of Jaén (Jaén, 04-06/05/2017).
-RuthBreeze offered the discussion paper 'Can we measure populism in discourse? Quantitative approaches to political speeches and manifestos'.
-DámasoIzquierdo gave the communication 'Is it possible to empirically measure populism in the political speech ? Methodological problems and proposal of corpus analysis applied to a case study'.
Ricardo-MaríaJiménez presented the paper 'A New Political Language in Spain?', in addition to poster 'Building a Spanish Lexicon for Corpus Analysis'.
Ramón González Ruiz offered a plenary discussion paper with the degree scroll 'Notional frontiers of epistemic modality and evidentiality: semantics and pragmatic projections of some Spanish discursive particles', at the V Foro de Lingüística hispánica: panorama de temas y métodos de research. (Lublin, Poland, 11-13/05/2017).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Jokin de Irala presented the communication 'Prevention of sexually transmitted infections and adolescent pregnancy. Risk compensation' at the XX congress of Medicine of the University Dr. José Matías Delgado (San Salvador, El Salvador 11-13/05/2017).
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Ravina y Juan Angel Soto traveled to Brussels to establish contacts and strengthen relationships for future projects of research. (Brussels, Belgium, 23-26/05/2017).
Alex Armand went to Bolivia to carry out activities related to the project of research on Agricultural Insurance in Bolivia (Bolivia, 18-26/05/2017).
Joseph Gomes Attended the 5th Workshop on Political Economy of Development and Conflict at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain, 18-19/05/2017).
Sergio Daga participated in the Annual Meeting of Universities' Vice Presidents of Iberoamerica in Barcelona (Barcelona, 15-18/05/2017).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno participated in various activities in several places in Spain and Chile.
- Taught classes at the Master's Degree in Comprehensive Palliative Care for People with Advanced Illness at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Barcelona 05/05/2017).
-Delivered the session "Communication at the end of life" at the IV workshop De Cuidados Paliativos Osi Bidasoa, organized by the Palliative Care Commission of OSI Bidasoa (Irun, 11/05/2017).
-Traveled to Chile to participate in the VII Intensive Course on Palliative Care organized by the Palliative Medicine Program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. There he gave three lectures in addition to the inaugural lecture (Chile, 24-26/0572017).
-Together with Eduardo Garralda presented the Atlases of Palliative Care in Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean Region at the ISEM Fashion Business School (Madrid 19/05/2017).
-He attended the 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care where he gave the lectures 'Successful Innovation Strategies in Latin America in the Implementation of the WHA Palliative Care Resolution', together with Liliana de Lima; 'Specialty Trainining improves Palliative Care' and moderated a roundtable. (Madrid, 18-20/05/2017).
The 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care was also attended by María Arantzamendi, Antonio Noguera, José Miguel Carrasco, Eduardo Garralda, John Rhee and Alazne Belar, who presented three communications and ten posters (Madrid, 18-20/05/2017).
A scoping review of the literature of Country-level Palliative Care Development in Africa'. (Torrado C., Blanco S., Rhee J.Y., Garralda E., Ayala I., Namisango E,Luyirika E., de Lima L.5, Powell R., Centeno C.C.).
Social respresentation of Palliative Care in the Spanish Newspapers: A Qualitative Analysis'. (Carrasco J.M., Gómez-Baceiredo B., Navas A., García M., Centeno, C.).
Defining country levels indicators of Palliative Care Development through an Expert Process for the African Atlas of Palliative Care'. (Rhee J.Y., Garralda E., Namisango E., Luyirika E.,de Lima L., Powell R, Centeno C.C.).
Students and Educators promoting Medical Education in Palliative Care at the National Level in Spain: A New SECPAL Task Force' (Boceta Osuna J., Suárez M.G., Rubio S., Gándara Á., Mota R, Centeno C.).
The phenomenology of the Desire of Death. A Feasibility Study in Advanced Cancer Patients'. (Martinez M., Mayor Bastida C., Urdiroz J., Larumbe A., Rojí R., Noguera A., Arantzamendi M, Centeno C.).
Integration of Palliative Care in Cancer vs CHF/COPD in Europe'. (Siouta N, Van Beek K, Payne S, Radbruch L, Preston N, Groot M, Hasselaar J, Centeno C, Csikos A, Menten J).
Rating system proposal for Regional Palliative Care Development across Spain'. (Garralda E, Centeno C.).
Challenges in Transferring information in Palliative Care Contexts: Findings from an International Study (InSup-C).' (Preston N, Hughes S, Varey S, Payne S, van Beek K, van der Eerden M, Hesse M, Csikos A, van Wijngaarden J, Centeno C, Hasselaar J).
Palliative Care in EMRO region - A Descriptive Analysis'. (Osman H., Rihan A, Garralda E., Rhee J.Y., Tfaily A., Centeno C.).
Falling in love with life in the light of the Disease: Preliminary Results on the Experience of Living with Advanced-stage Cancer'. (García-Rueda N., Carvajal Valcárcel A., Arantzamendi Solabarrieta M.).
What do we know about Palliative Care Development in Africa as a Continent? A Scoping Review of Comparative Studies.' (Blanco S., Ayala I., Rhee J.Y., Torrado C., Garralda E., Namisango E., Luyirika E., de Lima L., Centeno C.C.).
Are publications of Palliative Care a Good Indicator of Palliative Care Development in Africa?' (Rhee J.Y., Garralda E., Torrado C., Blanco S., Ayala I, Namisango E., Luyirika E, de Lima L, Powell R, Centeno C.C.).
The nurse-patient relationship saves the person with advanced and terminal cancer from inner loneliness'. (Errasti B., Pérez-Díez del Corral M., Carvajal A., José Miguel C., Larumbe A., Lama M., Arantzamendi, M.).
Development of an Atlas of Specialist Palliative Care for Scotland'. (Inbadas H., Gillies M., Carrasco J.M., Clark D.).
Religion and Civil Society
Montserrat Herrero presented the discussion paper 'What are populisms? Un reflexión desde la política' at the colloquium Empresarial 'Para entender los populismos' (Madrid, 25/05/2017). He also participated in colloquium international Desafios da Política Contemporánea of the University of Coimbra with the communication 'Between the symbolic people and the real people: the construction of populism'. (Coimbra, Portugal, 29-31/0572017).
Daniel Moulin offered the lecture 'Conceptual models of teacher identity' at the Journée d'étude internationale: 'Fostering Identity, Celebrating Diversity and Building Community' at the Catholic University of Leuven. (Leuven, Belgium, 05/05/2017).
David Thunder is doing a research stay at the University of Oxford as part of the 'Programme for the Foundations of Government and Constitutionalism'. At the end of his stay he will present the following article 'Two Conceptions of Civic Order: The Sovereign People vs. the Polyarchal Republic' (Oxford, UK, 19/05-16/06/2017).
Statistics Unit
Jesús López Fidalgo attended as plenary speaker at the international congress Bayes Pharma 2017 with the discussion paper 'Bayesian Optimal Experimental Designs' (Albacete 22-25/05/2017).