El Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas de la Universidad de Navarra abordará cuestiones teológicas y pedagógicas de actualidad en el VIII Curso de Actualización
The Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of the University of Navarra will address current theological and pedagogical issues in the VIII Course on Religious Sciences of the University of Navarra. update
The high school Superior of Religious Sciences (ISCR) of the University will celebrate the following days August 24, 25 and 26 its VIII Course of update, under the theme degree scroll Current Theological and Pedagogical Issues'.. In the conference will participate experts from the Schools of Theology, Communication, Canon Law, and Philosophy and Letters.
August 24th, Enrique Molina y José Manuel Fidalgodirector and Deputy Director of the ISCR, respectively, will present the course and the new developments at the center. Also, the following professors will intervene Charo Sádabawith 'Social networks, family and Education'; Diego Zalbideawith 'Church and Money: Controversy and Opportunity'; and Miguel Lluchwith 'Theology of pain. The mystery of pain in human existence'.
On the 25th will speak María Ángeles Sotéson 'Immigration and social diversity at school'; José Luis Pastoron 'Some current didactic issues in the class of religion'; José María Pardoon 'Questions of bioethics: the other face of in vitro fertilization'; and Juan Fernando Selléson 'Religion as an answer to the question: who am I? Revelation as an answer'.
Finally, on Friday 26th, the following sessions will be held: 'Orientations in the face of the educational emergency, according to Benedict XVI', at position by Ramiro PelliteroThe Bible as cross-cutting content in the school curriculum', at position by Francisco Varo; 'La toma de decisiones: skill del professor y del student', by Carolina Ugarteand 'Manipulation of human embryos, a current challenge in bioethics', which will be offered by María Iraburu.
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