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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (June 2021)

ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Australia, Brazil, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Germany, Italy, Peru, Poland, Spain, Italy, Ivory Coast and the United States.

01 | 07 | 2021

ATLANTES Palliative Care

Carlos Centeno attended a scientific meeting of the Navarra Society of Palliative Care, (07/06/2021, Pamplona, Spain).


Alazne Belar offered virtually the seminar 'update en Cuidados Paliativos: Deseo de adelantar la muerte. evaluation y attendance en cuidados paliativos' organized by the Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, (14/06/2021, Granada, Spain).

Emotional culture and identity

Inés Olza participated in the XIV congress International Conference on General Linguistics of the University of Seville with the lecture 'Multimodal constructions for disagreement: the case of no way', (23-25/06/2021, Seville, Spain).

Sergio Clavero gave the invited discussion paper 'Recognizing workers capacities: the case of overqualification' during the 33rd International Hegel Congress organized by the University of Warsaw, (21-25/06/2021, Warsaw, Poland).

Esther Linares was invited by La Marina of the University of Alicante to offer the communication 'Linguistic keys to find a partner in the digital sphere: the case of Tinder' (13-14/05/2021, Alicante).

Javier Serrano Puche offered the online lecture 'Understanding the Hybrid average System: Disinformation and Emotions in the Platform Society' during the 'Combating Fake News in the Digital Era: The Audio-Visual Trust Label as a Tool for Formal and Non-Formal Education' organized by the European project SCAI PROJECT Audiovisual Trust Label for News Programs (21-22/06/2021, Madrid, Spain).

Public discourse

Dámaso Izquierdo presented the oral communication 'À la croisée de l'évidentialité indirecte, l'engagement et le désengagement : analyse du marqueur espagnol por lo visto face à ses équivalents en français et en estonien dans un corpus parallèle' at the congress 'L'évidentialité et la modalité: Au croisement de la grammaire et du lexique' of the Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3, (10-11/06/2021, Montpellier, France).

Miguel Ayerbe attended to the international conference 'Syntax of the speech' of the University of Seville where he offered the discussion paper 'Macrosyntax, discursive frames and enunciative expressions of opinion', (29-30/06/2021, Seville, Spain).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Martiño Rodríguez participated in the 52nd Annual congress of the Society Psychotherapy Research with the oral communication 'Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy with Latinos: Exploring therapists' experience'. She also presented the poster 'E(f)FECTS (Emotionally FocusEd Couples Therapy in Spanish): A step forward in improving couple therapy among Latinos', (26/06/2021, Heidelberg, Germany).


José Ignacio Murillo attended the congress Razón Abierta 'Transhumanism: homo sapiens or cyborg?' organized by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. There he participated in the roundtable 'Historical-cultural genesis of transhumanism and philosophical analysis' with the discussion paper 'Brain and consciousness in Transhumanism', (17-18/06/2021, Madrid, Spain).

José Manuel Muñoz gave the discussion paper 'Should free will be introduced as a new human right?' during the 'III International Colloquium on Philosophy of Neuroscience: Free Will, Agency and Ethical Implications', (23/06/2021, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Javier Sánchez Cañizares gave the paper 'Is Artificial Intelligence Compatible with Evolution?' at the 2021 Society of Catholic Scientists Conference (6-4/06/2021, Washington, USA).

Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Ravina participated in the roundtable 'Academic and scientific cooperation. Existing resources and deployment of Spanish universities and centers of research; status and potential of scientific cooperation with Africa' organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Spain, (21-22/06/2021, Madrid, Spain).

Raúl Bajo Buenestado gave the session 'Market competition and the adoption of green technologies' at various events: During the 'Econometric Society Africa Meeting' of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée (5/06/2021, Abidjan, Ivory Coast); at the 1st virtual congress of the International Association for Energy Economics and the Assocation Des Economistes de L'Energie, (7/06/2021, France); and at the 2021 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society at Curtin University where he also moderated the session 'EU22: Experimental Mechanism and Applications' (27/0672021, Perth, Australia).

Miguel Ángel Borrella attended the 20th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet organized by the Aix-Marseille University. There he presented the paper 'The Heterogeneous Tax Pass-through under Different Vertical Relationships', (22-24/06/2021, Marseille, France).

David Soler gave a talk on 'How to talk about Africa' organized by the Zayas Foundation (18/06/2021, Madrid, Spain).


Religion and Civil Society

Montserrat Herrero presented the plenary lecture 'Republican Freedom and John Locke's Philosophical Bible' at the 2021 John Locke Conference of the John Locke Society, (9-11/06/2021, Naples, Italy).



Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán participated virtually as an invited guest speaker in two congresses. First, in 'Women and Law' of the Universidad Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (24/06/2021, Chiclayo, Peru).

He also offered the discussion paper 'La training del academic staff university from a gender perspective' at the 'CSE Conference 2021 Retos y desafíos de la Education' of the Complutense University of Madrid, (29/06/2021, Madrid, Spain).



