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The University of Heidelberg and the project "Public discourse" of the ICS brought together in Germany renowned specialists in the field of speech

Some twenty specialists from 14 universities participated in the workshop.

01/08/12 12:08
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Some of the speakers at the workshop PHOTO: loaned

The University of Heidelberghosted the International Workshop "Discourse Particles and Information Processing in Romance Languages", co-organized by the Seminar Seminar für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen of the University of Heidelberg and the project "Public discourse" (GRADUN) of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS).

At meeting there were presentations and discussions on the latest developments in the analysis of discourse particles, which play a decisive role in the processing and argumentative construction of discourses. The workshop was attended by some twenty leading analysts from speech from 14 universities in Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Italy.

Manuel Casado, Ramón González, Carmen Llamas and Inés Olza, researchers of project "Public discourse" (GRADUN) of the ICS, presented in their discussion paper an argumentative analysis of the sentence of the Supreme Court that in February of this year disqualified Judge Baltasar Garzón for the crime of prevarication. This work contributes to the objectives of project to critically approach discourses of particular relevance in the public sphere. Likewise, Dámaso Izquierdo, PhD student of project, presented his research in the specific forum in which young analysts of speech intervened.

In its project of joint organization of activities, the group GRADUN and the Seminar Seminar für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen plan to organize in 2013 the II International Symposium on Analysis of speech, which will give continuity to the series of scientific meetings inaugurated with the I International Symposium "Panorama of the programs of study of speech", which took place at the University of Navarra in March 2011.



