The academic year begins at the University with more than 9,300 students from Degree
Approximately 2,500 new students have enrolled, 8.5% more than last year.

FotoManuelCastells/Alumnos de la School de Económicas en el primer día de clases.
01 | 09 | 2022
More than 9,300 students from Degree started the academic year today at the University of Navarra, at campus in Pamplona and San Sebastián. Of these, some 2,500 are first-year students.
Although the process is still open, so far 2,486 new university students have enrolled, which represents an increase of 194 students (8.5% more than last year). Of these, 703 are from Navarre, 28.2% of the total student body; and 745 are international (30%), coming from countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and the United States, among others.
"We begin the academic year with great gratitude, enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility," said Vice President of faculty Pablo Sánchez-Ostiz. "We are grateful to the families of the students who have placed their trust in us, almost 2,500 of them new first-year students, and we have a sense of responsibility to live up to the expectations after these two and a half years of pandemic," he emphasized. "With the commitment of everyone, the students, their families, the professors, and the entire University, we will return to where we have always strived to be," he concluded.
Academic News
Among the academic novelties for this academic year, the following stand out: Degree in language and Spanish Literature; with diplomas in Language Sciences and Creative Writing. In addition, two diplomas have been added to the Degree of International Office; one in 'Geopolitics & Diplomacy' and the other in 'Global Business & Economic Affairs'.
The new postgraduate offerings include the Master's Degree in Christianity and Contemporary Culture and the Master's Degree in internship Advanced Oncology, as well as six Full Career Programs (Degree+Master's Degree) from School Communication.
Other programs being offered this year include the following diplomas: Psychology and Moral Life; Leadership Academy at Education of Character; Global Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Screen Studies; Understanding Today's World: Historical and Social Keys; and Contemporary Thought and Transcendence. Finally, courses focused on "Renewable energy law" and "Education of character".
In total, the University of Navarra is offering this year 51 Degrees and double Degrees, 42 programs Master's Degree and 19 programs doctorate in which more than 13,000 students are expected to be enrolled.