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Javier Senosiáin, Amaya Erdozain and Yeray Carmona win the II Geography Olympiad of Navarra

30 students high school diploma from 6 schools participate, at the University of Navarra, in the II Geography Olympiad organized by the high school of Geographers.

02/04/12 11:11
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Javier Senosiain, Amaya Erdozain and Yeray Carmona, winners of the Geography Olympiad of Navarra. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The students Javier Senosiáin Sandúa and Amaya Erdozain Urtasun, from IES Basoko, and Yeray Carmona López from IES place de la Cruz, have won the first, second and third award, respectively, in the II Geography Olympiad of Navarra. About 30 students from 6 schools of Navarra have participated in this test organized by the high school of Geographers, which was held at the University of Navarra. The three classified students will participate in the final of the III Geography Olympiad of Spain that will take place on April 20, 21 and 22 in Alicante.

The students faced a sixty-minute test consisting of 50 questions subject test through which they demonstrated their knowledge of Geography. Then, Eugenio de Ezquerra Cobertera, Delegate of high school of Geographers of Navarra, gave a talk on the high school Professional Geographers. Dolores López, administrative assistant of the department of History, Art History and Geography of the University of Navarra, presented the programs of study that the academic center offers in this science.



