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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (July and August 2016)

ICS researchers and collaborators attended activities in Germany, Chile, Croatia, USA, Spain, Portugal, UK and Uganda.

02/09/16 12:50

Emotional culture and identity

Ana Marta González presented research 'The Pending Revolution: Kant as a Moral Revolutionary' at The North American Kant Society VI Kant Multilateral Colloquium. Kant on Violence, Revolution, and Progress: Historical, Political, and Metaphysical Themes, at Hofstra University (New York, USA, 07-09/08/16).

Mariano Crespo made a brief ten-day stay in Chile in August, during which he gave the following courses and lectures:

- At the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile he participated in the VII International Edith Stein Symposium organized by the Edith Stein Center with the discussion paper 'The place of the State in the phenomenological reflection'. (Santiago, Chile, 09-11/08/16).

- In this center he also taught a course on Edmund Husserl's book Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una Philosophy fenomenológica, Issue II (Santiago, Chile, 12/08/16).


- He also presented the communication 'The core topic of the first phenomenological schism: a misunderstanding of the Husserlian theory of ideal objects' during the colloquium on German Phenomenology: Contributions of Husserl, Edith Stein and Heidegger organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Valparaíso, Chile, 16-19/08/16).

Constantin Parvulescu presented the work '2007-2013: Market Triumphalism in the Literary and Cinematic Wolf of Wall Street'. at The 10th NECS Conference. He also moderated the session 'Transnationalism in European Film Chair' (Potsdam, Germany, 28-30/07/16).

Pilar León Sanz offered the discussion paper 'training and skill professor of the hospital doctor' during the Course 'The teaching of Medicine in the clinical setting. meeting summer of Education Medical 2016', framed in the summer courses of the Univessidad Complutense de El Escorial and Fundación Lilly. (Madrid, 04/07/16).


Public discourse

Inés Olza participated in several meetings of work at the William F. Connell School of Nursing at Boston College, in connection with the project 'instructions ' for promote the internship reflective of nurses through narratives: project pilot in Navarra' (NavNar/NarratUN), of which she is principal investigator together with Ana Choperena, from the School of Nursing at the University of Navarra. (Boston, USA, 04-17/07/16).

On the other hand, he presented the communication 'The (potential) effects of phraseology on gestural behavior' at the congress EUROPHRAS 2016 (congress biennial of the European Phraseology Society), held at the Universität Trier. (Trier, Germany, 01-03/08/16).


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala presented the papers 'La Education sexual de los medios de comunicación. ¿Nos nos queda un papel a los educadores?' and 'Intimate Partner Violence ¿Cómo transmitir mensajes integrados ante las preguntas de los jóvenes sobre Education sexual?' in the course 'The a, b, c, d of family problems. Psychological and educational solutions' organized by the UNED (Barbastro, 01/07/16).


group Mind-Brain

Javier Bernácer gave the lecture 'Techniques and current issues in neuroscience' at the University of San Damaso (Madrid, 29/08/16).


Javier Sánchez-Cañizares has participated in the summer course 'Science and Religion: Conversations between Worldviews', organized by The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion (Cambridge, UK, 03-08/07/16). He also delivered the lecture 'Top-down causality in the human being. The soul as a principle of determination' at the University San Dámaso (Madrid, 29/08/16).


Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña went to the U.S. to visit work to visit researchers with whom he is preparing articles. At New York University he visited James Payne and David Greenberg at meeting and later visited Héctor Cárcel at the International Monetary Fund (New York and Washington, USA, 6-13/07/16).

Joseph F. Gomes participated in NOVAFRICA Conference on Economic Development in Africa, held at the Nova School of Business and Economics of Lisbon with the presentation 'The Health Costs of Ethnic Distance: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa'. (Lisbon, Portugal, 14-15/07/16).


ATLANTES Programme

Carlos Centeno y Eduardo Garralda attended the '5th International African Palliative Care Conference', where the main researcher delivered the session Management of difficult pain and delirium among palliative care patients' (Kampala, Uganda, 16-19/08/16).

José Miguel Carrasco attended the 'Scottish Palliative Care Research Forum' organized by the University of Glasgow (Glasgow, UK, 08/30/16).


Antonio Noguera participated in the congress of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2016, where he presented the papers 'Medical Students' Learning of End-of Life Decision Making in a Modern Art Museum' (authored by Antonio Noguera, Carlos Centeno, José Pereira, Fernando Echarri, and José Miguel Carrasco) and 'What adds Clinical Practice to Palliative Care Teaching? Students' Reflections' (by Antonio Noguera, Rocío Rojí, Fernando Pikabea, José Miguel Carrasco and Carlos Centeno) (Barcelona, 27-31/08/16).

Nunziata Comoretto presented the work 'Compassion: necessary insights for clinical practice' during the XXX congress of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (Zagreb, Croatia, 17-20/08/16).



