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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (October 2016)

ICS researchers attended activities in Belgium, Denmark, Ecuador, Ecuador, France, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States and United States.

02/11/16 13:20
Emotional culture and identity

Mariano Crespo participated as an international guest at the Twelfth Peruvian conference of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics organized by the Center for Philosophical programs of study and the School of postgraduate program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The degree scroll of his lecture was 'El sentir como fundamento del tender? The contribution of Alexander Pfänder'. (Lima, Peru, 12-14/10/16).

Constantin Parvulescu attended the workshop 'The challenge of the research in Social Sciences and Humanities. Horizon 2020 Program: Europe in a changing world', which was held in Ikerbasque. There, the 2017 call of challenge Social 6 'Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies' was presented. (Bilbao, 06/10/16).

Charo Sádaba attended as an expert to the I International congress 'Education of character and digital lifestyles' held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and organized by Interaxion, of the Fondazione Vincoli Romani. (Rome, Italy, 18-20/10/16).

Javier Serrano gave the inaugural lecture of the 2016-2017 course of the Entrearcos Cultural Center under the degree scroll 'Tangled lives. Towards a healthy use of digital media'. (Barbastro, Huesca, 20/10/16). Public discourse

Jan Zienkowski presented the discussion paper 'Fantasies of Politics and Democracy in Anti-Syndical Discourse: on terrorist strikes, blackmailing the government, and taking the hard-working citizen as hostage' together with Benjamin De Cleen (Free University of Brussels) at Euricom 32: The problems with work in communication: discourses, identity, practices, materiality (Piran, Slovenia, 15/10/16).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Carlos Beltramo carried out various activities in the USA:

  • Attended the International Summit of Best Practices in Character Education and the National School of Character Site Visit: Thomas W. Pyle Middle School (Washington DC, 10/13/16).
  • Attended the National Forum of Character Education and the course 'Transforming Your School Culture: 11 Principles Training' (Washington DC, 10/14-16/16).
  • Interviewed with professors at the Whiterspoon Institute at Princeton University and the Population Research Institute (New Jersey and Front Royal, Virginia, 10/17-18/16).
group Mind-brain

José Ignacio Murillo participated in several conferences organized by the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. (Puebla, Mexico, 17-21/10/16).

  • He participated in the symposium 'The notion of habitus. Un approach interdisciplinar desde la Philosophy y las ciencias' at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), where he gave the lecture 'Retos filosóficos de la research científica sobre los hábitos'. In addition, he was in charge of closing the activity with the conclusions 'Habit and interdiscipline'.
  • He also collaborated in the colloquium 'From the soul-body problem to discussion mind-brain' with the session 'From the soul-body relationship to discussion mind-brain'.
  • Taught a seminar for teachers graduate 'Identity staff and Dissociative Identity Disorder'.
  • Finally, he gave the session 'Beyond the human? Biotechnology and human enhancement', addressed to students of postgraduate program in biotechnology.

Javier Sánchez Cañizares gave the lecture 'Las interpretaciones de la Mecánica Cuántica' at the Workshop for teachers of Philosophy de la Ciencia in Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid, 15/10/16). He also participated in the congress of the Nicolás Copérnico University 'Soul or brain. What makes us human?', where he presented the discussion paper 'How high is top-down causation in human beings? The soul as principle of determination'. (Toruń, Poland, 19/10/16).


ATLANTES Programme

Carlos Centeno has carried out various activities in Spain and Portugal:

  • Attended the meeting of the committee Scientific of the Hospital Centro de Cuidados Laguna. (Madrid, 7/10/16).
  • He also spoke at the 1st International Advanced Course on Palliative Care at Hospital da Luz Lisbon. There he gave several sessions: 'Evidence on the approach to fatigue in patients at the end of life', 'Compassion: a new look at the roots of clinical practice' and 'The legacy of Cicely Saunders: relevance to the current practice of palliative care', the latter together with Robert Twycross, from Oxford (Lisbon, Portugal, 10-11/10/16).
  • Participated in the roundtable 'Palliative Care: Where are we going' in the V workshop DECPAL 'Reflections on Palliative Care'. (Zamora, 14/10/16).

María Arantzamendi traveled to Dublin to work the agreement that the ATLANTES program has with the All Ireland Institute for Hospice & Palliative Care, in addition to planning a joint project (Dublin, Ireland, 10/17-21/16).


José Miguel Carrasco presented the results of the palliative care message study at the workshop 'Palliative care: a global priority. Perspectives on integration and health systems strengthening', organized by the University of Edinburgh and the Cairdeas International Palliative Care Trust. His intervention was entitled 'Public message of palliative care in Spain' (Edinburgh, UK, 03/10/16).


Religion and Civil Society

Juan Pablo Domínguez Fernández gave the seminar 'Las luces como invasión. La nación española frente a la Ilustración. 1759-1814' at the José Ortega y Gasset Foundation (Madrid, 25/10/16).


Statistics Unit

Jesús López Fidalgo participated in the II Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders, organized by the European Federation of National Statistical Societies with the discussion paper 'Experimental designs for radiation dosimetry calibration'. (Budapest, Hungary, 20-21/10/16).

Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Ravina and Juan Angel Soto have met with industry stakeholders from development of the European Commission and other related actors (Brussels, Belgium, 17-20/10/16).



Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña offered a course on time series analysis for Degree students at School in Economics at Strathmore University. In addition, he has continued his work with co-authors Dr. Robert Mudida and Dr. Simon Ndiritu (Nairobi, Kenya, 09/26-02/10/16).


Alex Armand continues his stay at the International Development Department of the London School of Economics (London, United Kingdom), in addition to participating in other activities:

  • Attended the initial workshop organized by 3ie for its grantees under the Development Goals Window Scheme (New Delhi, India, 04-07/10/16).
  • Delivered the seminar 'The political roots of the natural resource curse"'at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex (Brighton, UK, 10/31/16).

Alberto Cendoyaattended Habitat III, the 3rd United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban lecture development (Quito, Ecuador, 17-20/10/16).



Juan Angel Soto taught the courses 'Research methods and research design' and 'BEE in South Africa as a barrier to doing business' at Strathmore University (Nairobi, Kenya, 19/09/16).


Héctor Cárcel offered the seminar 'A new currency for the East African Community?' at the Copenhagen Business School, on the framework of his stay at the department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. (Copenhagen, Denmark, 10/27/16).



