Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities of other centers and universities (October 2018)
Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Spain, USA, France, Greece, Ireland, Pakistan, Portugal and Sweden.
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia Pavón attended as speaker to the cycle Women in History. Semblanza de navarras ilustres de ayer y de hoy, organized by the association Cultural Baraibar. There she presented the discussion paper 'Reinas de Navarra' (Pamplona, Navarra, 23/10/2018).
Emotional culture and identity
José María Torralba, Vojtech Kolomy and Almudena Rivadulla went to the University of Valencia to the IV international congress of the Society of programs of study Kantians in language Spanish (SEKLE). They presented the papers 'El sentimiento de respeto y la estructura del vínculo moral', 'Conciencia moral en Kant' and 'De la beneficencia a la amistad. Reflections on reciprocity in Kant' respectively (Valencia, 15-19/10/2018).
Public discourse
Manuel Casado participated in the presidency and as moderator of papers at the II congress Internacional del español hablado. (Valencia, 17-19/10/2018).
Inés Olza was speaker invited to the Workshop on Pragmatics in Discourse Analysis at Stockholm University. There she presented discussion paper 'Multimodal pragmatics of political discourse: Challenges and new research avenues'. (Stockholm, Sweden, 11/10/2018). He also traveled to Murcia to give the discussion paper 'Phraseology, tense expression and intensification: a constructional and multimodal approach' at the I International Symposium on Phraseology at the University of Murcia. (Murcia,18-19/10/2018).
Sarali Gintsburg and Adriana Gordejuela attended the AELCO Conference. The former presented the paper graduate 'Function Words in Oral Poetry, their Meaning and Uses', and Gordejuela gave the session 'Film flashbacks and the conceptualization of time' (Córdoba, Andalusia, 17-19/10/2018).
Saqlain Hassan conducted work fieldwork in Pakistan. He distributed several surveys in different universities to know their stance on giving citizenship to refugees (Pakistan, 3-19/10/2018).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Jokin de Irala gave a session on the project 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality' to priests of the diocese of Pamplona and Tudela. (Huarte-Araquil, Navarra, 22/10/2018).
Cristina López del Burgo went to high school Montealto to give a work session on sexuality issues. (Madrid, 18/10/2018).
group Mind-brain
Fran Güell was speaker guest of an intensive course at the Fertility Center manager 'Parental Responsibility and Assisted Human Reproduction' (Madrid, 20/10/2018).
José Víctor Orón traveled to the University of Peloponnese. He attended a scientific meeting , because they want to create an international association of ethics and Education and they want Jose Victor to be part of committee coordinator of it. He also presented the UpToYou program to academics and students of postgraduate program. (Peloponnese, Greece, 16-19/10/2018).
Javier Sánchez-Cañizares presented the discussion paper 'Classicality First: Why Decoherence Implies Copenhagen Interpretation' at the XIII International Ontology Congress: Physics and Ontology organized by Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Museo Chillida and Fundación Paideia. (San Sebastián, Basque Country, 02-06/10/2018).
Mikel Ostiz attended as speaker invited to The 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. There he presented two posters 'Using the Musical Multimedia Tool ACMUS with People with Severe Mental Disorders: A Pilot Study' and 'Jellys: Towards a Videogame that Trains Rhythm and Visual Attention for Dyslexia'. (Galway, Ireland, 22-24/10/2018).
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Ravina and David Soler attended a scientific meeting at the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI). They met with its director, Blanca Moreno-Dodson -part of the committee advisor of NCID- to explore possible avenues of partnership on the framework of research and communication. (Marseille, France, 16-17/10/2018).
Alex Armand attended the North East Universities Development Consortium Conference 2018 to deliver his discussion paper 'Does Information Break the Political Resource Curse? Experimental Evidence from Mozambique' (Ithaca, USA, 27-28/10/2018).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno and Carla Reigada traveled to the Hospital da Luz in Lisbon to participate in the 2nd International Advanced Course of Palliative Care. Centeno gave two sessions at the course: 'Palliative care development: how to make a difference' and 'Managing complexity, a challenge in palliative care'. Reigada presented two others: 'Message and marketing in palliative care' and 'Teamwork: a real pillar of palliative care?' (Lisbon, Portugal, 11-12/10/2018).
In addition, Carlos Centeno went to the Benito Menni Hospital Center in Valladolid, to participate in the workshop of Bioethics and Palliative Care: Caring With-Passion or Humanizing the End of Life with his discussion paper: 'Compassion, a tool to care'. (Valladolid, Castilla y León, 26/10/2018).
Religion and Civil Society
David Thunder went to Pompeu Fabra University to give the session 'Why Republican Freedom Requires the Abolition of the Sovereign State, and What Might Come Next' at the department of Politics and Social Sciences. (Barcelona, 10/23/2018).
He was also at the XVIII congress of the Society of programs of study Basques with the intervention 'How to cohere a territory made up of different communities?' (Pamplona, 26/10/2018).
Statistics Unit
Jesús Fidalgo López attended a training of PIs of the network Nacional de Bioestadística. (Madrid, 10/10/2018). He also attended a meeting of members of monitoring commissions of degrees of Fundación Madrid+D+I. (Madrid, 29/10/2018).