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The University organizes paddle tennis sessions for children at Christmas time.

A children's tournament will be held on December 14 and 15, and on January 2, 3 and 4, paddle sessions will be held for the youngest children.

Image description
Paddle tennis match.
PHOTO: University of Navarra
02/12/13 09:28 Sports Service

The Sports Service of the University of Navarra has organized a paddle tennis tournament for children of professors, graduates, alumni, employees and family members of the University of Navarra on December 14 and 15. The deadline for registration is December 13 (2 p.m.). 

To register just send an email to this address:

Paddle sessions in January
Start the year doing sports and having fun in one of the most popular sports today: paddle. That is the goal of a multisport paddle sessions that has organized the Sports Service for the next 2, 3, and January 4 (from 09.00 to 14.00 hours) at the university sports facilities.

The tournament is open to the children of employees, graduates, teachers and all those who have a university card or the card access to the facilities. The deadline for registration is December 18.



