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First promotion of the Master's Degree in design Galenic and Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry with 100% of employment rate

All graduates are currently working in the companies where they completed their paid internships.

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Photo from left to right: Carmen Dios, Maribel Calvo, Francisco Aranda, Claudia Mata, Cristina Jex, Paula García and Eider Arana, Fernando Martín and Noelia Ruz.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
03/10/18 14:24 Ángela Martí

On September 28th, the closing and graduation of the I Promotion of Master's Degree in design Galenic and Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition was held at classroom 5 of the Castaños Building of the University of Navarra. The ceremony was presided over by Carmen Dios, academic director of the Pilot Plant for drug manufacturing and Maribel Calvo, director of Master's Degree.

As a guest at the event, Francisco Aranda, director of Quality and Regulatory Affairs of Laboratorios Cinfa, gave the lecture lecture "Problems and expectations of the Spanish pharmaceutical sector". In addition to raising awareness among those attending his masterful class that "the pharmaceutical sector is facing a paradigm shift", he encouraged them by saying that "the pharmaceutical industrial fabric installed in Spain is competitive for the manufacture of drugs in their traditional forms, and must adapt to new manufacturing processes". Finally, he added that "the training of the new professionals joining this sector should make it easier for them to lead this dynamic process".

The five students who are part of this first class come from four different universities in Spain and all of them are already working in pharmaceutical laboratories such as Cinfa, Novartis, GSK and Faes Farma, after having completed paid internships in these companies during their second year at Master's Degree.



