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"We like to be able to listen to the other students and serve them in the best way possible."

Ernesto Antelo and Juan Fernando Salvador are the new delegates of the School for this academic year.

/Ernesto Antelo and Juan Fernando Salvador are the new delegates of the School for this academic year.

03 | 10 | 2022

Tecnun delegates have recently been elected. The students, through the voting of the delegates of each Degree, have elected Ernesto Antelo, 4th year of Electrical Engineering, as delegate of the School for this year. The sub-delegate of the School is Juan Fernando Salvador, from the 3rd year of Industrial Organization. Both tell us in this interview what they can contribute to the rest of the students and to the School.

- What does it mean to be the delegates of the School?
It involves a commitment and a responsibility to all Tecnun students, whom we hope to represent in the best way possible, and thus make it an unforgettable year for everyone. In addition, being delegates of the School means that we have to dedicate all our efforts to make Tecnun a pleasant place, where students feel comfortable and can carry out their programs of study in a satisfactory way. The communication between students and delegates is something to take into account, a good communication and the correct management lead to success, and that is why we have to be in constant contact with students, course delegates and teachers.

- Why did you decide to introduce yourselves?
We are always willing to listen and help those who need it. We were very excited to be able to work with students to carry out many projects, to listen to them and serve them in the best possible way.

- What do you think you can contribute?
Ernesto: I will bring all the knowledge and experience I have gained throughout my university degree program in order to improve the experience that Tecnun students get, both academically and in the staff. I will also contribute with a good communication between students and delegates, in order to be able to solve any problems or difficulties that may arise.

Juan Fernando: I would love to be able to contribute everything the students need, to solve their doubts, worries, ideas and concerns. For this I hope that we all work with the same purpose, and I am sure we will achieve it.

- What will be your main tasks?
My intention is to be able to implement technology to solve problems that are currently present in Tecnun. We are engineers and our duty is to always look for a solution, and what better way than using all the technology we have at our disposal. To give an example, I have noticed how students constantly complain that there is not enough space at cafeteria and that the lines to order lunch cause traffic jams in the hallway. This problem could be solved by simply implementing an online payment system and reservation for lunch, in the same way that the number of students attending cafeteria could be predicted by implementing, within the same system, a button to mark attendance to the cafeteria.

Juan Fernando: This year I hope that we can continue to carry out all the activities that are so characteristic of Tecnun, and that we enjoy them very much together. We will also do our best to make sure that the events go ahead and, if possible, better than ever.

- What are you committed to?
We hope to contribute the best of ourselves, to propose new ideas and projects. We think that between the two of us we make an excellent team and we can carry out whatever we propose to do.



