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I award of research in Nursing in honor of University of Navarra Professor Mª Teresa Díaz Navarlaz

The professor of the School of Nursing and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra passed away last year at the age of 55.

04/04/11 15:14
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María Teresa Díaz Narvalaz PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The European Center for Injury Prevention (European Center for Injury Prevention) of the University of Navarra has announced the I award a la research en Enfermería en report by Mª Teresa Díaz, aimed at professionals in this field who have completed a work of research in Spain during the year prior to the call.

The goal of the new award -which will be awarded annually- consists of encouraging research excellence by recognizing the quality of a work prepared by a nursing professional who is evolving from internship to research university.

1,000 euros, both national and international researchers with a minimum of five years of demonstrable experience in the clinical internship before starting their research activity are eligible to apply.

Papers can be submitted in English or in Spanish, accompanied by a brief descriptive summary with the objectives, methodology and conclusions, as well as the experience staff related to the transition between one area of work and the other.

Expert in the adverse effects of patient care
The new award is convened in report of Professor Mª Teresa Díaz Navarlaz, who died in 2010 at the age of 55. She was a collaborator of the European Center for Injury Prevention, a nurse at the Preventive Medicine Unit of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and a professor at the School de Enfermería. She was also a major contributor to the research on adverse effects of patient care with her work of doctorate at the University of Sheffield (UK), under the co-direction of Dr. Watson and Dr. Seguí-Gómez.

In 2009 Mª Teresa Díaz Navarlaz joined the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva (Switzerland), to lead a project on safety in Intensive Care Units in Spanish hospitals. At the same time, she carried out a research on medication administration in Nursing, the errors produced in this area and their prevention.

According to the director of the European Center for Injury Prevention, María Seguí-Gómez, this recognition aims to "honor the report of people capable of leaving the security of an already consolidated profession to reinvent themselves as researchers in order to be more efficient and thus improve the healthcare system and the care of people". In this sense, the manager reminds that all those interested can contribute to the sponsorship of the award on the web page.



