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The University renews the partnership agreement with Caja Rural

The agreement includes the implementation of a program on sports and health, and grants for business start-ups, and for scholarships for Degree and mobility

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From left to right, Ignacio Terés Los Arcos, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero and Cristina Muñoz. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
04/04/17 16:51

The University has signed a new partnership agreement with Caja Rural de Navarra for the year 2017 by which the financial institution will support the development of various activities. The agreement has been signed by Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, President of the academic center; Ignacio Terés Los Arcos, president of Caja Rural de Navarra; and Cristina Muñoz, director-General Manager of Fundación business Universidad de Navarra.

Among the grants, the one aimed at Degree and mobility scholarships for students stands out. Specifically, mobility International Scholarships will be paid for 45 students, with the goal of promote for student internships in countries around the world. On the other hand, Caja Rural will support the program Alumni Scholarshipsaimed at students with good academic transcript and without sufficient economic resources to study at the University of Navarra. 

In the business section , Caja Rural will collaborate in the creation of companies through its INICIA program, whose goal is that entrepreneurship projects that are initiated in the field of the University have sufficient funding and resources for its development.

The agreement also establishes the interest of both institutions in the promotion of healthy sports, and for this reason the Sports, Food and Health program will be launched, through which 10 students or employees of the University will receive medical follow-up, with periodic controls and physical planning.

Caja Rural will also help finance the activities of volunteer activities of the University(Tantaka).



