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More than 150 ESO students from all over Spain participate in the congress StudIAS organized by the University.

During four days, attendees will be able to present their projects, enjoy keynote speeches and make some field visits to learn about the nature that surrounds us.

/Rafael Miranda, director of congress StudIAS, during the inauguration ceremony at School of Sciences of the University.

04 | 06 | 2024

More than 150 students from Education Secondary School from all over Spain, belonging to 19 different schools, will participate from June 3 to 6 in the congress StudIAS, a quotation on biodiversity organized by the University of Navarra.

This year the congress is about urban biodiversity and the main goal is to promote knowledge and awareness of biodiversity among young people. "We intend it to be a place for meeting among boys and girls who have a special sensitivity to science, especially to biodiversity," says Rafael Miranda, director of congress.

For several months the students have submitted their proposals to congress and have worked on the projects in their centers guided by their teachers. These works, which will be exhibited in the framework of congress, are eligible to be awarded with a trip to a National Park to choose between the Atlantic Islands of Galicia, the Tablas de Daimiel, and Ordesa and Monte Perdido. The second prize, award , is a complete field kit for wildlife observation, and the third prize, award , is a set of products from the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra.

A safari through Pamplona, bird exhibition and visit to the Bárdenas Reales Natural Park.

During the 4 days of congress the students will be able to enjoy some field activities. For example, on Tuesday 4 at 5:30 pm, biologists and professors Enrique Baquero, Rafael Miranda, Antonio Vilches and Ricardo Ibáñez will conduct an urban safari through Pamplona. A day later, on Wednesday 5, Maria Rios, biologist at Tierra Rapaz, will perform a bird exhibition. And on the 6th the attendees to congress, accompanied by scientists, will visit the Natural Park and reservation of the Biosphere of the Bardenas Reales.

In addition, some keynote lectures are planned:"Biodiversity in our streets" at position by Lorena Escuer, founder and technical director of the business Hidrobiology (June 3);"The microbes of your urbanism" with Ignacio López-Goñi, Full Professor of Microbiology and director of the Science Museum University of Navarra (June 4); and "Chemistry citizen... and alive" with José Ramón Isasi and Cristina Sola, professors of department of Chemistry of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra (June 5).

A complete schedule for this congress can be found on the Science Museum's website

The congress StudIAS is an event organized by the Science Museum, the School of Sciences and the Biodiversity and Environment Institute -BIOMA- of the University of Navarra, and the Iberian Society of Ichthyology, with the support of the City Council of Pamplona and the Government of Navarra partnership .



