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More than twenty Colombian students visit Navarre companies

The visits are part of an academic and business immersion program of the University of Navarra.

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04/10/18 19:37 Andres Juarez

The School of Economics of the University of Navarra hosted the second edition of the academic and business immersion program for students from the Universidad de la Sabana (Colombia). This year, a total of 26 graduates from the Colombian university participated in the activity and visited four companies in Navarra.

The visits were aimed at getting to know the different aspects of the business fabric installed in Navarra and allowed the participants to learn how the factories of MTorres, Uscal, Congelados de Navarra and Bodegas Otazu operate.

The program also included several sessions at Economics and business given by professors from the University of Navarra. These were participatory classes that used the case method and delved into topics such as Business Strategy, Social Networks, Technological Innovation and discussions on Control Systems and Banking Regulation. There were also sessions on Leadership, Personnel Management Service and development Sustainable in Organizations.



