About 200 people reflected on a transformative Education
Researchers from 40 universities and 10 associations and educational centers visited the University on the occasion of the celebration of the XVI congress International Theory of the Education (CITE) and XLII seminar Interuniversity Theory of the Education (SITE).

05 | 06 | 2024
Participants of the XVI congress International Theory of the Education (CITE)
Reflections on a transformative teaching from different perspectives, what is the university professor for, good practices, were some of the issues that were shared in the XVI edition of the International congress of Theory of the Education held at the University of Navarra on May 21, 22 and 23.
A total of 190 professors and researchers from 40 universities participated, either as attendees or speakers at the lectures and symposia, and a total of 110 papers were presented.
The opening ceremony was held at position by the Vice President of students of the University of Navarra, Rosalía Baena; the dean of the School of Education and Psychology, Carolina Ugarte; the president of the seminar Interuniversity Theory of Education, Carmen Orte; the presidents of congress, Concepción Naval and Aurora Bernal; Sonia Rivas, as a member of committee Escolar de Navarra; and the manager of REDINET in Navarra, Javier Monzón.
The first discussion paper was position by Professor Marisa Musaio, from the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore in Milan. Her talk focused on the strategic role of intergenerational Education . Professor Douglas W. Yacek, from North-Rhine Westphalia and TU Dortmund University reflected on some theoretical and practical issues in carrying out a transformative teaching .
The professor of the Complutense University of Madrid, Fernando Gil Cantero, was in charge of giving the closing lecture in which he discussed some controversies surrounding the Education transformer.
A week to reflect on a transformative Education
Days before the inauguration of this congress, the University of Navarra also hosted the XLII edition of the Interuniversity seminar Interuniversitario de Teoría de la Education, which is held annually in various Spanish universities, and which this year dealt with a transformative Education .
A total of 72 researchers from 35 universities attended quotation on April 19, 20 and 21. Three papers were shared and coordinated by: Carmen Urpí, from the University of Navarra; Gonzalo Jover, from the Complutense University of Madrid and Antonio Bernal from the University of Seville. A special highlight was the celebration of a roundtable which reviewed the history of the beginnings of this seminar with the participation of five of its initiators: professors Gonzalo Vázquez, Juan Escámez, Antoni Colom, Jaume Sarramona and Joaquín García Carrasco.
Subsequent to congress, the usual annual meeting was held for the young researchers of area, RIPTE. It brought together 34 attendees from twelve universities. Subsequent to congress, the young researchers of area, RIPTE, held their usual annual meeting . It brought together 34 attendees from twelve universities.
Doctoral students participating in meeting network IPTE