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Institute for Culture and Society: Participation in activities of other centers and universities (September 2017)

Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Belgium, Bolivia, Cameroon, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

05/10/17 21:36 Isabel Solana

Emotional culture and identity
Mariano Crespo participated in the workshop 'Empathy, Recognition, Morality', organized by the Center for research in Subjectivity at the University of Copenhagen (21-22/09/2017, Denmark).


Constantin Parvulescu attended the 8th Annual International Conference on Small Cinemas: 'Diversity in Glocal Cinemas: Language, Culture, Identity', where he offered the discussion paper 'Wounded cultures, burdened hopes: The historical commentary of Cristian Mungiu's work' (20-22/09/2017, Bilbao and San Sebastian). He also participated in the congress 'Screening Economies: Representations of Money Matters', co-organized by ICS and the Universities of St. Gallen and Bregenz. He presented the lecture 'Cashworks Ltd: Making Sense of Money and Economization in Recent Documentary Finance Film' (28-30/09/2017, Switzerland).

Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Anna Dulska
attended the international congress XIX Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica: 'The Military Orders in the Regional Ecclesiastical Structures' of the Nicolás Copérnico University. There he offered the discussion paper 'Prælatus sive magnatus: Hospitaller Priors among the Ecclesiastical Elites of the Kingdom of Navarre in Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries' (20-23/09/2017, Poland).

In addition, he offered the lecture 'Young Europe: the integration of Slavs and Magyars in medieval Europe. Profiting today from the experience of the past' during the XIII European conference : 'Towards a better Europe. Four vital challenges: integration, growth, employment and security', of the association Roots of Europe. (13/09/2017, Vitoria).

Public discourse
Manuel Casado
participated as speaker and member of the scientific committee in the congress International of Hispanic Linguistics of the Catholic University of Louvain with the communication 'Sobre dos préstamos sufijales del euskera al español: -tegui y -(l)ari'. (02-22/09/2017, Belgium).

Ruth Breeze gave the plenary lecture 'The practice of the law across modes and average: Challenges and opportunities for legal linguists' at the ILLA Conference: 'Language and Law in a World of average, Globalisation and Social Conflicts', at the University of Freiburg (07-09/09/21, Germany).

Jan Zienkowski offered the discussion paper 'Articulation as a guiding principle for analysing the interpretive functions of discourse' at the 2nd DiscourseNet Congress, organized by the University of Warwick. (24/09/2017, UK).


Dámaso Izquierdo presented a paper entitled 'Evidentiality as encoding the mode of access', co-authored with Bert Cornillie (KU Leuven, Belgium), at the international congress SLE 50 - Societas Linguistica Europaea 50th Annual Meeting at the University of Zurich. (10-13/09/2017, Switzerland).


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Silvia Carlos Chillerón
attended the congress of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology. She presented two posters in relation to the work in Monkole: 'Forced sexual intercourse among women receiving HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing in a healthcare center in Kinshasa and its association with HIV' and 'OKAPI cohort: Observational Kinshasa AIDS Prevention Initiative. Sexual Behaviors, HIV subtypes and ARV resistance in HIV voluntary counseling and testing patients' (06-08/09/2017, Barcelona).


group Mind-brain
José Víctor Orón
participated in activities in Spain and Cameroon:

-Traveled to Bamenda to teach UpToYou's training courses to teachers from four colleges and seminarians from Cameroon, Equatioral Guinea and Congo (08/22-09/09/2017, Bamenda, Cameroon).

-Presented the UpToYou Program at the Getxo Elkartegia Building (Old Market) (11/09/2017, Bilbao).

-He also participated in the 4th annual conference 'European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions' at the Complutense University of Madrid. There he presented the work 'The Relation between staff Agency and Emotion and its Implications for Emotional Education'. (17/19/09/2017, Madrid).

Navarra Center for International Development
Joseph Gomes, Alex Armand and Sergio Daga
attended the international congress 'The potential of agricultural insurance allied to credit ', organized by the PROFIN Foundation in Santa Cruz (04-09/09/2017, Bolivia).

In addition, Joseph Gomes stayed at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and Alex Armand stayed at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Angela AbascalÁngela Abascal attended the course 'El futuro de la ciudad se escribe en Chino?', framed within the urban debates club and organized by the Círculo de Bellas Artes (27/09/17, Madrid).


ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno
carried out several activities in different parts of Spain.

-He attended the meeting of the committee Scientific of the next national congress of palliative care, which will be in Vitoria in June 2018. The meeting took place at the headquarters of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care (08/09/2017, Madrid).

-Also, she was part of the tribunal of thesis of Alejandra Juliarena at the Catholic University of Valencia (25/09/2017, Valencia).

-Lastly, he attended the meeting of the committee Scientific of the Laguna Hospital (29/09/2017, Madrid).

María Arantzamendi directed the Final Projects Master's Degree of the Master's Degree in Pediatric Palliative Care of the International University of La Rioja that were presented this September. The students were Alba Calvo Benet with the degree scroll 'Exploración de la percepción de autoconocimiento de los profesionales de la salud sobre los Cuidados Paliativos Pediátricos' and Leidy Johanna Cordero, with 'Conocimientos y percepción de los cuidados paliativos pediátricos en enfermeras de último semester de pregrado'. (La Rioja).

Religion and Civil Society
Montserrat Herrero
presented papers at various congresses:

-'Conservative populism, an oxymoron?', in congress 'Reconfigurations of the political: the discussion between populism, republicanism and liberalism'. XIII congress of the Spanish association of Political Science of the University of Santiago de Compostela (20-22/09/2017, Santiago de Compostela).

-'Prophetic Time' as a Paradigm for Understanding 'Historical Time," at Oxford University's congress 'The Power Of The Word: The Prophetic Word, Regents Park College' (13-16/09/2017, UK).

-Workshop 'Carl Schmitt and the Russian Revolution Interpretation, Reception and Transfer (1917-2017)', during the Fifth European Congress on World and Global History organized by Corvinius University and Central European University (31/08-03/09/2017, Hungary).

David Thunder presented the article 'Can a good person be a good trader? An ethical defense of financial trading' at the Workshop 'New Ideas in Economic Justice' at the annual political theory workshops at the University of Manchester (13/09/2017, UK).

He also participated in the symposium 'We the People: Rethinking Narratives of Popular Sovereignty" at Princeton University, co-organized by ICS and the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain. He presented the discussion paper 'The Myth of Popular Sovereignty and Its Implications for Rational Self-Government' (22/09/2017, USA).

Mercedes MonteroMercedes Montero presented the discussion paper 'Careers after University. Minerva, the first publishing house by women for women (1943-1946)' at the congress International 'Women and Education Higher. A century of women at the University' at the University of Salamanca (28-30/09/2017, Salamanca).

Rafael Escobedo presented a paper entitled 'Spanish and American Catholic conflicting views on religious freedom before Vatican II (1945-1965)' at the annual congress of the European Association for the Study of Religion' (18-21/09/2017, Belgium).


Statistics Unit
Jesús López Fidalgo
participated in the XVI Spanish Biometry lecture , organized by the University of Seville. He was a member of the scientific committee and gave the discussion paper 'Optimal Designs for Fractional Polynomial Models'. (13-15/09/2017, Seville).



