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Cycle on "Dissemination and Communication of Cultural Heritage" organized by the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre, University of Navarra.

They will begin next Wednesday, February 11, in Civivox Condestable

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
06/02/15 13:41 Fina Trèmols

The Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre of the University of Navarra, the Government of Navarra and the Pamplona City Council have organized a lecture series on"Dissemination and Communication of Cultural Heritage".

The lectures will take place at Civivox Condestable (C/ Mayor, 2) on Wednesdays in February and March. The goal of the course is to know the different types of heritage, analyzed through the institutions that take care of them and guard them, both in Pamplona and in Navarra.

The speakers will focus their interventions on the communication to society of the heritage they have at position, explaining the principles that govern this dissemination and the actions they have undertaken or plan to undertake to achieve it.

The sessions will begin on Wednesday 11 with a presentation to position by José Iribas, counselor of Education of the Government of Navarra; Enrique Maya, mayor of the City Council of Pamplona; and Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair. This will be followed by a discussion paper on "Communicating fortified heritage", at position by Esther Elizalde Marquina, of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro.

The series will continue with conferences on the dissemination of documentary, bibliographic, musical, archaeological, industrial, ethnological, immaterial, etc. heritage. Among the speakers who will address these topics are Félix Segura Urra, director of the file Real y General de Navarra; Ana Mª Hueso, director of the file Municipal de Pamplona; Linarejos Cruz, coordinator of the National Plan for Industrial Heritage of the high school of Cultural Heritage of Spain; Mercedes Jover Hernando, director of the Museum of Navarra; and Jaime García del Barrio, director of the Museum University of Navarra.


Wednesday, February 11

17.30h. presentation.

Mr. José Iribas Sánchez de Boado. Councilor of Education. Government of Navarra.

D. Enrique Maya Miranda. Mayor. Pamplona City Council.

D. Ricardo Fernández Gracia. Director. Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro.

17.45h. The Historical-Artistic Heritage, condenser of values and identities. Mr. Ricardo Fernández Gracia. Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro.

18.45h. Communicating fortified heritage. Mrs. Esther Elizalde Marquina. Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre.

Wednesday, February 18th

17.30h. An experience in the dissemination of documentary heritage: the file Real y General de Navarra. Mr. Félix Segura Urra. Director of the file Real y General de Navarra.

18.30h. The diffusion of the cultural Heritage guarded in the file Municipal of Pamplona: actions and projects. Mrs. Ana Mª Hueso. Director of the file Municipal of Pamplona.

Wednesday, February 25

17.30h. Bibliographic heritage and new technologies. Mr. Roberto San Martín Casi. manager of Bibliographic Heritage. Library Services of Navarra.

18.30h. Musical heritage: from conservation to diffusion. Mrs. María Gembero-Ustárroz. CSIC, Milá y Fontanals Institution, Barcelona.

Wednesday, March 4th

17.30 h. Archaeological heritage. Between preservation and diffusion. Mrs. Carmen Jusué Simonena. administrative assistant General UNED Pamplona.

18.30 h. Industrial Heritage: our most recent report . Mrs. Linarejos Cruz. Coordinator of the National Plan of Industrial Heritage. high school of Cultural Heritage of Spain.

Wednesday, March 11

17.30 h. Communicating cultural heritage from a museum. Mrs. Mercedes Jover Hernando. Director of the Museum of Navarra

18.30 h. Heritage from a university museum. Mr. Jaime García del Barrio. Director of the Museum of the University of Navarra.

Wednesday, March 18th

17.30 h. The immaterial heritage. Mr. Alfredo Asiáin Ansorena. Director technical file of the Intangible Heritage of Navarra. Public University of Navarra. Mrs. Susana Irigaray Soto. Head of the Museum Section. Ethnological Museum "Julio Caro Baroja". Government of Navarra.

18.30 h. Strategies of knowledge dissemination of the ethnological Heritage from the Ethnological Museum of Navarre "Julio Caro Baroja": musealized heritage and dispersed heritage. Mrs. Susana Irigaray Soto. Head of the Section of Museums. Ethnological Museum "Julio Caro Baroja". Government of Navarre.

Wednesday, March 25th

17.30 h. roundtable The role of Foundations and Associations of Friends in the communication of cultural heritage.

Mrs. Teresa González-Camino. President of the Fundación de Casas Históricas y Singulares.

Mr. Joaquín Ignacio Mencos. President of the Mencos Foundation and member of the association of Friends of the Cathedral of Pamplona.

D. Luis Durán. President of the association of Friends of the Cathedral of Tudela.

D. Emilio Quintanilla. Director of the Miguel Echauri Foundation and President of the association of Friends of the Museum of Navarra.

Moderator: Mr. Ricardo Fernández Gracia. Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre.

18.30 h. visit multidisciplinary to the parish of San Cernin: from architecture, music and decorative arts.

Mr. Julián Ayesa. Organist of the Cathedral of Pamplona.

D. Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos. UNED Pamplona.

Ms. Pilar Andueza. Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro.



