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"The Education, a good communication".

The Schools of Theology and Ecclesiastics of Philosophy celebrate the day of its patron saint

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Professor Enrique Martínez at the classroom Magna de las Schools Eclesiasticas. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
06/02/15 10:57 Fina Trèmols

On February 5, the Schools de Theology y Ecclesiastics of Philosophy of the University of Navarra celebrated the day of its patron saint, St. Thomas Aquinas, by inviting Professor Enrique Martínez García, Senior Associate Professor of the University Abat Oliba CEU (Barcelona) and ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas, to give the address lecture "La Education, una comunicación de bien" ( , a communication of good). At the presentation , Professor Sergio Sánchez-Migallón, Dean of the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy, expressed the desire of the two Schools: that this act be a tribute to Professor Miguel Lluch. Miguel LluchMiguel Lluch, who had died three days earlier.

The speaker noted that the date of February 5 straddles the commemoration of January 28, the anniversary of the transfer of the relics of St. Thomas Aquinas, and March 7, his dies natalis.

Professor Martinez focused his exhibition on four aspects: the foundation of the Education, the promotion of virtue as its essence, the need for grace and the concrete way in which one should be educated in wisdom. He always based on texts of St. Thomas.

The good is diffusive of itself. In the Summa Contra Gentiles, St. Thomas emphasizes that the higher the nature, the more intimate is what emanates from it. He explained the different Degrees: inanimate life, plants, animals, men, angels, God. Good also tends to communicate its perfection, which is its goodness. "Every teacher is a minister of divine providence because the action of enlightening another, teaching, is the way by which the action of the divine government shines in the world," Professor Martinez pointed out.

He summarized the essence of Education as the inclination of man to his own perfection(STh, I-II q. 94); "the search for the truth about God and to live in society. The natural inclination to virtue and to the generation and Education of offspring: this is the definition of Education, later assumed in its entirety by Pius XI", he assured.

The speaker showed how parents give us being, nourishment and Education. The child cannot be raised and instructed without anonymous and willing parents. Man is perfect when he is educated (Commentary on St. Paul's letter to Timothy, 3). "The Education is realized by means of the word; in fact there is a natural inclination to the word. If we unite all that has been said, we also find a natural inclination to the family. And to be educated through the word," he said.

Finally, Enrique Martinez outlined the concrete ways of educating in wisdom, for which he based himself on the sermon Puer Iesu . It is necessary that the person concerned "listens well Degree. Not only to some, but to many. And then judge for himself what he hears. Let him diligently investigate and search with eagerness. Let him meditate attentively. This is the way to grow in wisdom," he concluded.



