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The University announces the IV Ernestina de Champourcin award

Promoted by the group of research in Recent History, it distinguishes works that promote programs of study on women.

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Ernestina de Champourcin PHOTO: Courtesy
06/03/17 18:01 Nagore Gil

The group of research in Recent History of the University of Navarra (GIHRE) has announced the IV award Ernestina de Champourcin for promote programs of study on women.

This award distinguishes works that provide original knowledge on relevant female figures of the contemporary world, or that delve into the cultural contributions made by women to current civilization and culture.

The competition is part of the project GENOVIFEM, a group that promotes the visibility of women's contribution in all scientific fields: history ( work, politics, science, health), literature, law, Education, Economics and geography.

Papers should always be of academic and scientific content, rigorous in method and sources. They must be unpublished and have a length of more than 12,000 words. Final dissertations Master's Degree, or doctoral thesis defended in the same year or the year prior to the call of award are accepted. The deadline for the presentation ends on April 24, 2017.

Ernestina de Champourcin, born in Vitoria in 1905, was a disciple of Juan Ramón Jiménez and was linked by style and friendship to the poets of the Generation of '27. Her work was recognized with the award Euskadi de Poesía, the award Mujer Progresista and the Medal of Artistic Merit of the City Council of Madrid. She died on March 27, 1999.

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