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Plastic surgeon denounces "the bombardment of prototypes of perfect bodies".

Dr. Bernardo Hontanilla, professor at the University, stresses that "the field of aesthetics generates a lot of money".

07/03/03 16:41

One of the causes of the boom in cosmetic surgery "is the systematic bombardment by Western culture of prototypes of perfect faces and bodies; because it has been discovered that the field of aesthetics generates a lot of money". This was stated by Bernardo Hontanilla, a specialist at department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University Clinic of the University of Navarra. Dr. Hontanilla will speak at the congress "The aesthetics market. Health and beauty in the image society", which will take place on the 10th and 11th at the University of Navarra.

He also highlighted as other causes of this boom "the cult of the body that currently exists in society. And on the other hand, a good physical appearance is of great importance financial aid in the labor field and in interpersonal relationships". In his opinion, "a business has been created with aesthetic medicine; a real growth industry, which moves many millions of euros a year".

The professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Navarra stressed that "today the demand for these procedures is increasing in the male population". According to him, "young men are mainly requesting nose jobs, while older men are having eyelid surgery or abdominal liposuction, although more and more men are having facelifts".

Challenges of aesthetic surgery

Dr. Hontanilla pointed out some of the current challenges in aesthetic surgery: "To create new generations of lasers and other techniques to treat skin aging, to discover more biocompatible materials for facial fillers, to develop techniques and drugs for the treatment of scars or less invasive surgery. Likewise, he indicated that one of the most interesting challenges in reparative surgery is the application of tissue engineering: "There will come a time when we will not need prostheses or the extraction of tissues from the individual himself, but rather these tissues and organs will be synthesized at laboratory from a scarce issue of the patient's cells".

On the other hand, he gave his opinion on the new denomination of the specialization program established by the Ministry of Health, which includes cosmetic surgery within plastic and reconstructive surgery: "Thus, in addition to the fact that the specialization program has a specific and comprehensive program for the training in cosmetic surgery, the specific legal framework has been established to regulate these interventions".

Malpractice claims

"Until a few years ago -he added- there was no program professor C by the Ministry of Health for the training of a specialist in aesthetic surgery. When malpractice problems occurred, the judges, not having a legal framework on the professional skill , could not prevent any graduate in Medicine from practicing as a cosmetic surgeon."

Regarding the increase in the number of complaints about these interventions, he pointed out that "the patient has more information and is much more demanding. We are talking about a surgery of results and not of means, in which a work contract is made". On the other hand, "there is a taboo that it is a perfect method, without complications. Some patients show photos of the results of an operation performed on celebrities, published in magazines: you can see the before and after, but not the intermediate step. In addition, some doctors, in order not to lose clients, do not explain certain complications that could frighten the patient".

The goal of the congress, which will bring together about 250 people, is to present and analyze the market that exists around the world of beauty, from a multidisciplinary point of view. Among others, will participate Ana Aliaga, board member national of Dermofarmacia; José Montero, manager of Marketing of Laboratorios ISDIN; Inés Sainz, public relations of Elisabeth Arden; Mª José Roselló, specialist in Nutrition and collaborator of the program "Saber Vivir" of TVE; Pedro Subijana, restaurateur; Bernardino Lombao, physical trainer staff; José Mª Villalón, head of the Medical Services of Atlético de Madrid; or Cristina García Ramos, director and presenter of the TVE program "Corazón, Corazón". The opening of meeting, which will take place next Monday, will be attended by María Kutz, first deputy mayor of the City Council of Pamplona, and José López Guzmán, Vice President of University Extension of the University of Navarra.



