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A team of doctors and engineers from the Clinica Universidad de Navarra and Ceit-IK4, winner of one of the Fiapas awards of research in hearing impairments

They have developed a booth that allows to recreate several scenarios in which a better measurement of hearing ability can be performed.

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27/11/19 12:32

A team multidisciplinary composed of doctors and engineers from Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the University's technology center Ceit has won one of the Fiapas awards for research in hearing impairment at area in healthcare.

The winning work is degree scroll "Audiometry booth in real environments" and has been carried out by engineers Diego Borro, Ibon Eskudero and Unai Lasarte together with doctors Melisa Vigliano, Alicia Huarte, Belén Andueza, Raquel Manrique and Manuel Manrique. Doctors and engineers have collaborated in this study by assessing the hearing ability of people with various hearing impairments in real-life listening conditions.

In this sense, the researchers have developed a booth that allows recreating several scenarios in which a better measurement of hearing ability can be performed, such as: speech perception in relative silence, in status of noise, in status intense noise or in noise intolerance levels. All this in order to achieve a more accurate diagnosis to help alleviate the patient's hearing impairment.

The award Fiapas was presented at an event held this Wednesday at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, presided over by the acting Minister of Education , Isabel Celaá.



