The School of Education and Psychology participates in the II congress International of Psychology of work and Human Resources in Valencia.
Sara García and Olga Lizasoáin presented a poster on job shadowing.
From March 1 to 3, the II International congress of Psychology of work and Human Resources was held in Valencia under the slogan "Because companies are people". During the congress different topics related to the management of teams, people and customers in organizations were addressed. The School of Education and Psychology participated with the poster "Job shadowing, a project for the training of future psychologists of work and organizations", which was presented by Sara García, staff of support to teaching, and Olga Lizasoáin, professor and vice-dean of practicum.
Job shadowing is a learning by observation technique that forms part of the Practicum I of the pathway Psychology of work and organizations. Through it, students visit different companies and witness firsthand the tasks performed and the skills required to perform different positions in work. This provides them with training and facilitates their subsequent insertion into the professional world. Shadowing is complemented by practical workshops given by psychologists and other professionals working at Departments in Human Resources.