meeting Dr. Elkin Luis García participated in the IV National Seminar of Semilleros de research of the Colombian Health Sciences.
The professor from School of Education and Psychology gave a session on motivation to students and researchers.
More than 400 students from 55 universities had the opportunity to listen to the experiences of researchers from 22 Health Sciences programs conducting more than 350 research projects in the field of health sciences. IV meeting National Semilleros of research of Schools of Health Sciencesheld in Bogota.
The goal of meeting, organized by the University Foundation of Health Sciences (FUCS) was to motivate students from various careers related to Health Sciences. Students together with teachers and researchers had the opportunity to present their work.
The doctor Elkin Luis Garciaprofessor of the School of Education and Psychology and researcher in the Centre for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) of the University of Navarra, presented a lecture entitled "The seeds of greatness in science are planted dormant and ungerminated.". The researcher and professor wanted to give three central messages to researchers at training. The first was to emphasize the identity of the researcher in the study, how the staff label reaches out to the world to share knowledge. The second was to emphasize that research is influenced by our beliefs and mindsets, which can lead to biased information, so it is imperative to design strategies that buffer biases. Finally, speaker focused its message on the pedagogical value of error, on how the value of effort and dedication can be consolidated by making several mistakes.