Defence culture, challenge of Europe
Students from International Office attend congress International Defence in Jaca

The need for a greater defence culture in Europe, and particularly in Spain, was one of the main conclusions of the XXVI International Defence congress held in Jaca at the beginning of October, under the degree scroll "Europe's Challenges: Comprehensive Response to Shared Risks". The meeting was attended by some twenty students from the University of Navarra. International Office of the University of Navarra.
Organised by the Chair Miguel de Cervantes of the General Military Academy and the Chair Peace, Security and Defence of the University of Zaragoza, the congress was attended by a large audience of thirteen nationalities, both civilian and military. Among the latter were cadets from the United States, Colombia and France, as well as Spain.
One of the objectives of the conference was to promote Defence culture, since, as the journalist Ángel Expósito said at the beginning of the sessions, "a soldier is worth what the support of his society is worth, and Spain fails in Defence culture". Expósito, former director of the ABC newspaper and host of one of the main programmes on the Cope channel, also called for a greater presence of educational elements of defence culture at different levels of study. This issue was also the subject of other communications and talks, in which a variety of tools, portals and think tanks were presented with which to acquire greater knowledge at subject de Defensa.
Another of the main themes of congress was the evolution of warfare, which today is not only fought on land, at sea and in the air, but electronic warfare is taking on a fundamental role. Spain's various cyber-defence units, especially the Joint Cyber-Defence Command and Incibe, are dedicated to dealing with cyber-threats from the remotest parts of the globe, the daily number of which exceeds tens of thousands.
Continuing in the field of cyber defence and taking into account the recent defeat of Daesh, the future of counterterrorism was analysed by several speakers. They explained the EU's internal and external policies, as well as its strengths and weaknesses, including the fact that the EU does not have its own intelligence service as such, but has a joint body under the European Foreign Service.
The activities of congress included a visit to the barracks of the Galicia 64th Mountain Hunters Regiment, the "sister" regiment of the America 66th in Pamplona. The visit included attend to the soldiers' routine, to see much of the equipment they use in operations and training - from tools to weapons and armoured vehicles - and to be able to talk to them.