Institute for Culture and Society: Participation in activities of other centers and universities (January 2017)
ICS researchers attended activities in the USA, Spain, India, Macedonia and Kenya.
Emotional culture and identity
Patricio Fernandez participated in the 'Eighth Annual Arizona Workshop in Normative Ethics', where he delivered the session 'The Good Will be First'. (Tucson, USA, 12-14/01/17).
Public discourse
Ramon Gonzalez attended the 'XLVI International Symposium of the Spanish Society of Linguistics', organized by the CSIC. At the Assembly of the Society he was elected by vote board member of its board Directive. (Madrid, 24-27/01/17).
group Mind-Brain
José Ignacio Murillo taught a course on 'Transcendental Anthropology' at Strathmore University as part of the Master in Applied Philosophy and Ethics program (Nairobi, Kenya, 09-14/01/17).
Navarra Center for International Development
Alex Armand has participated in several activities in the USA, India and Macedonia.
- Conducted interviews for the NCID Job Market at the AEA Meeting (Chicago, USA, 05-07/01/17).
- Traveled to New Delhi, India, to develop the project in sanitation of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (New Delhi, India, 14-20/01/17).
- Met with the Minsiterio of Education of Macedonia (Skopje, Macedonia, 22-25/01/17).
Joseph Gomes also participated in the NCID Job Market at the AEA Meeting, where he conducted several interviews (Chicago, USA, 05-07/01/17).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno dictated the lecture 'Compassion, heart of the practice of medicine' at the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Valladolid (Valladolid, 27/01/17).
María Arantzamendi gave classes (online) at the Master's Degree in Pediatric Palliative Care offered by the International University of La Rioja (Logroño, 24-31/01/17).
Antonio Noguera gave a class on respiratory symptoms other than dyspnea at the Master's Degree de Medicina Paliativa y Soporte del Paciente Oncológico of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. (Madrid, 21/01/17).
Statistics Unit
Jesús López Fidalgo attended the 'Third National meeting of the network Biostatnet: Facing Challenges of research Biostatistics with International Projection' where he acted as moderator. (Santiago de Compostela, 20-21/01/17).