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The University hosts the annual congress of the American Society for Cytopathology.

More than 100 national and international specialists discuss cytological diagnosis and new strategies based on molecular biomarkers to enhance personalized medicine

FotoManuelCastells/More than one hundred specialists gathered at the first congress face-to-face meeting held at the academic center after the pandemic's arrival

09 | 09 | 2021

On September 9 and 10, the University of Navarra will host the annual meeting of the AmericanSociety of Cytopathology and the Spanish Society of Cytopathology (SEC). The meeting hosted by the School of Medicine brings together more than a hundred pathologists and technicians from several countries with teaching, review and update objectives. This congress is the first face-to-face meeting to be held at the university center in the post-pandemic stage.

The course is taught by world-class pathologists such as Dr. Syed Z. Ali, director of Cytopathology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, USA) and former president of the International Academy of Cytopathology. Other speakers include professors from reference letter centers such as Universidade do Porto, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and Universidad de Navarra.

"Cytopathology is a subspecialty of pathology Anatomy currently booming, which allows complete diagnoses with small samples obtained by minimally invasive procedures avoiding unnecessary major surgeries, which is very relevant especially in the diagnosis and management of some tumors such as lung or pancreatic tumors," explains Dr. Mª Dolores Lozano, director of department of Anatomy Pathology and president of the SEC. Clínica Universidad de Navarra and president of the SEC. 

Thus, the determination of biomarkers for the establishment of personalized therapies is one of the great medical challenges facing the specialization program. "For this reason, during the congress we will address the fundamental keys to morphological diagnosis in the different diagnostic areas divided by organs or systems. But we will also delve into new strategies in molecular biomarkers that complement diagnosis in this era of personalized medicine," Dr. Lozano explains.



