Professor Pablo M. Edo publishes 'Synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles'.
The book is the eighth Issue of the collection Manuals of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences (ISCR).
Pablo M. Edo Lorrio, professor at the University of Navarre, has published Synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles the eighth book of the "Colección Manuales ISCR", published by EUNSA. high school Superior of Religious Sciencespublished by EUNSA.
The guide aims to provide basic exegetical knowledge for the study and meditation of the so-called "synoptic" gospels attributed to Matthew Mark and Luke, because with an overview (synopsis) many similarities and differences can be seen. The book of the Acts of the Apostles is also studied in this guide because it has the same author as the Gospel of Luke and a certain thematic unity.
The subject is divided into 11 chapters, organised into two main thematic blocks. The first block offers a panoramic overview of a general introduction to the books, reviewing how the Gospels are read and interpreted in the Church, which are the most important master texts on these books, and how the Gospels were formed and transmitted. In the second section, a systematic study is made of the contents of the books.
Pablo M. Edo Lorrio is professor of New Testament at the University and member of the committee of Edition of the Holy Bible of the School of Theology of the academic centre.
The "ISCR Manuals Collection" is aimed at parents, catechists and formators, teachers of religion or professionals from different fields who feel the need to improve their own training. The books published so far are the following:Introduction to Theology, Ethics, Mariology, Philosophy of Science, Pauline Writings, Pentateuch and Historical Books y Theological Anthropology.