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Alberto Espelosín: "If a country cannot devalue its currency, it can only lower wages".

The manager of the Abante Pangea investment fund explains to students what his sector is like

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Alberto Espelosín, during the talk. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
11/03/14 17:13 Miguel M. Ariztegi

The investment fund manager, Alberto Espelosín Abante Pangea Alberto Espelosín gave a talk to students in their final years at the University of Valencia. School from Economics He talked to them about how to start their working life in the investment fund market and about the day-to-day life of his work. The expert pointed out that the youth unemployment and low salaries that are common in Spain today are due to the path chosen to get out of the crisis: "If a country cannot devalue its currency, the only thing left is internal devaluation, the lowering of salaries".

Abante has been advising more than 4,000 individual and institutional clients for twelve years. It has a team of more than 110 professionals who currently manage 1,400 million and advises on 3,000 million. It has four offices in Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Valladolid and Zaragoza.

Espelosín dedicated a good part of his lecture to explaining the relationship between the "financialEconomics " and the "realEconomics ", as well as the instructions to understand them. "My job as a professional manager of an investment fund, Abante Pangea, is to detect opportunities and risks and make decisions about them," he said. "As a manager, I try to apply common sense to avoid serious financial mistakes that could jeopardize the savings entrusted to me by the fund's participants".

For this reason, he explains that the improvement in financial markets "clashes head-on with the status of the real Economics , where both domestic demand and wage levels are far from their peaks". In his opinion, companies have been favored by an expansion of margins "based on the global arbitrage of unit labor costs, ultra-low interest rates, a reduction or low level of investments, lower tax burdens and cheaper raw materials".

To all this must be added the monetary stimuli of the central banks, "which have favored the perfect scenario that we have seen over the past year for money to enter the financial markets, money that has not gone to civil society due to failures in the central banks' monetary policy transmission mechanisms".

In his opinion, "if we want the Economics to grow naturally, we must gradually withdraw the aforementioned stimuli and make domestic demand grow naturally. To achieve the latter, we would need to reduce unemployment fees further in order for wages to grow, which is still far from being the case in many economies, which is why we need to continue doping with debt, which in turn limits normal growth in the long term deadline".



