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Students from Philosophy and Letters organize a workshop on disability.

The purpose is to deepen the understanding of disability by relying on the testimony of three people who are overcoming day by day.

11/04/13 14:19 Alberto Bonilla
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On Saturday, April 13, the first workshop 'People with disabilities: stories of overcoming. Interdisciplinary reflection: Humanities and faith', organized by the students of the School of Philosophy and Letters. The purpose of this workshop is to deepen on disability with the testimony of three people who have overcome their disability.

The sessions, which will take place at classroom 35 of Central Building and will begin at 10 a.m., will be attended by experts such as Javier Sesé, Professor of Spiritual Theology of the School of Theology, but also with testimonies of people who know the meaning of pain and disability as Marce Calderón, blind professional; Luis de Moya, doctor with tetraplegia; and Rosa Sanchez, mother of a child with Dravet syndrome. At 13h., will take place the conclusion of the conference.





