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Postgraduate law students train in New York City

36 students from Master's Degree visit legal, political and economic institutions and take classes at IESE headquarters

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Antonio Vázquez del Rey, professor of the School Law School; Jorge Noval, Dean of the School; Michael Hertz, partner and director of development of White & Case New York; and Javier Ortega, director of development of the School. PHOTO: Courtesy
11/06/14 11:51 Miguel M. Ariztegi

A group of 36 students from the postgraduate programs of School participated in New York International Legal Week, the first edition of this training program in the city of skyscrapers, which took place at IESE Business School. International Legal Week at postgraduate program is designed to give students the opportunity to observe firsthand how global professional services firms and law firms are managed. In New York, they attended classes and visited legal, political and economic institutions.

The ILW's goal is for students to learn about the management of successful law firms in the North American market, and to study cases of international dispute resolution. New York University professor and partner director of signature Bryan Cave, Pedro Martínez Fraga, instructed them on legal security of investments.

Given his experience, he emphasized the applicable law and the courts competent to resolve international commercial disputes between individuals and states and vice versa. visit The classes were complemented with a visit to the offices of signature, where they were explained the strategy of development of business.

Professor Laura Empson, an expert on management of professional services firms, also taught classes, which were complemented by visit at White & Case, where students were able to observe firsthand what they learned at classroom. Empson has been researching and writing books on the evolution of the legal business for twenty years. His book Managing the Modern Law Firm (Oxford University Press) is considered the reference letter in the industry.

Global law for a global world

The director of the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession, Markus Hartung, focused his lessons on mergers and innovation in the legal sector. His professional experience includes the creation of the German branch of Linklaters from signature Oppenhoff & Rädler.

Along with the program of classes and visits, the students had the opportunity to attend to roundtable Disruptive innovation - are alternative service provider a threat for traditional law firms?, in which the experts who taught them discussed the future of the legal business in the globalized world and the threats it faces. Carolina Pérez, former student of Master's Degree at advisory service Fiscal, senior tax lawyer for Pfizer in New York, joined the panel. signature M iguel Ángel Melero, also a former student of student, who heads the Manhattan office of the Spanish law firm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, as well as some thirty university professors, lawyers from various firms and representatives of multinational companies, also attended as members of the audience.

The students had to demonstrate what they had learned in two case studies on management from international firms. In the little free time they had left, they visited New York's main tourist attractions, including a guided visit to MOMA.



