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Second edition of Pre(ad)diction

Several Schools of the University of Navarra have presented the project of health promotion for the next academic year.

11 | 09 | 2023

The Schools of Nursing, Pharmacy and Nutrition, Education and Psychology, Medicine and Communication have presented the II edition of Pre(ad)diction: creating synergies to design a campus that cares for students. This is the project initially led by the School of Nursing and the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, which this year welcomes the participation of other centers.  

attendance The presentation was attended by professors Idoia Pardavila (Nursing), Aitor Acilu and Javier Antón (design and Architecture), Bienvenido León (Communication) and Elena Gutiérrez (Communication), and nursing doctoral student Sofía Nedderman, who justified their participation in this project: "We want you to be agents of health, to lead the environment and the future, and to be able to work in an interdisciplinary way," said Pardavila. "In our case," continued Professor León, "you will have to be able to design an effective communication plan for the entire campus".

Among the sessions planned "you will find round tables with patients who have used substances, the experience of a prison nurse or how health professionals work with these patients," commented Gutiérrez. "The goal of this project is to make the campus of the University of Navarra a healthy environment, both for students and workers, regardless of the discipline they are," concluded Acilu.

After this, a dynamic was organized to work in ten groups. First of all, in view of the study, a questionnaire was made to all students about their perception staff regarding substance use and consumption. Then, in groups, questions were asked with possible answers that each one had to answer, such as which is the most consumed illegal drug in Spain, the main predictor to start smoking or which are the three most consumed substances by the population. The answers to this questionnaire will be revealed in the sessions and activities planned for this course.

classroom Healthy as a transforming Education

This project seeks that students of Pharmacy, Medicine, Journalism, Marketing, Psychology, as well as Nursing and design collaborate in the creation and development of actions and interactions -a culture of care- to prevent the consumption of alcohol, tobacco or cannabis, goal main axis of the strategic axis Wellness and Health of the University of Navarra.

In addition, it is part of the classroom Healthy School Nursing which, among other objectives, seeks to develop actions to promote the teaching theoretical and internship in Health Promotion. Finally, the students involved will have a grade since the project is integrated in several subjects of the corresponding Degrees .



