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The School of Theology of the University of Navarra published 43 books in 6 languages during the 2009-2010 academic year.

The 14 monographic volumes, 11 works on partnership, 9 reprints and 9 translations were presented during an event

11/10/10 11:20
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Books published from the School of Theology. PHOTO: on loan

The School of Theology of the University of Navarra published 43 books in 6 languages (Spanish, Italian, English, German, Polish and Dutch) during the 2009-2010 academic year. Specifically, there were 14 monographic volumes, 11 works in partnership, 9 reprints and 9 translations. At the ceremony of presentation intervened Santiago Casas, director of research of the center and professor of department of Historical Theology; Ramiro Pellitero, of department of Dogmatic Theology; Tomás Trigo, of department of Moral and Spiritual Theology; and Vicente Balaguer, of department of Sacred Scripture.

In the first category are Barro con luz (Mud with Light), by José Alviar; San Juan Crisóstomo: El elogio de San Pablo (St. John Chrysostom: The Praise of St. Paul), by Santiago Ausín; El Espíritu Santo y María. Reflexión histórico-teológica, by Juan Luis Bastero; Tu palabra me da vida, by Antonio García-Moreno; Cristo speranza del mondo. Riflessione sull'enciclica 'Spe salvi', by José Luis Illanes; Humanismo II. Tasks of the spirit and For a Christian idea of man. Aproximación teológica a la Antropología, by Juan Luis Lorda; Juan Crisóstomo: Homilías a los Hechos de los Apóstoles, by Marcelo Merino; Amor y fecundidad: ¿realidades en conflicto? evaluation del topic en los escritos de Bernhard Häring, by José María Pardo; Al hilo de un pontificado. El gran 'sí' de Dios, by Ramiro Pellitero; Por qué sufren los buenos y triunfan los malos. Tomás de Aquino's literal commentary on the book of Job (chapters 1-3) and Sobre la muerte y el más allá. Half a century of eschatological discussion , by Josep-Ignasi Saranyana; and The memories of Jasid and The childhood of Jesus. Praying with the Gospel, by Tomás Trigo.

As for the works on partnership, the following were published: Concordantia Missalis Hispano-Mozarabici, by Félix María Arocena, Adolfo Ivorra and Alessandro Toniolo; La 'Communio' en los padres de la Iglesia, by Juan Antonio Gil-Tamayo and Juan Ignacio Ruiz Aldaz; Festivas demostraciones. programs of study On the Confraternities of the Blessed Sacrament and the Feast of Corpus Christi, by Fermín Labarga; The Brill Dictionary of Gregory of Nyssa, by Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco and Giulio Maspero; Basic Concepts for the Study of Theology, by Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco and Rafael Corazón; La Biblia comentada por los Padres de la Iglesia, by Marcelo Merino; La salud mental y sus cuidados, by Miguel Ángel Monge and Javier Cabanyes; La Iglesia como familia de Dios, by Ramiro Pellitero; Debates Navarros, by Piotr Roszak; Die Konzilien in Lateinamerika II: Lima 1551-1927, by Josep-Ignasi Saranyana; and Trabajar con buen humor. En la business y siempre, by Tomás Trigo and Salvatore Moccia.

Reprints and translations

The following books were also reprinted during the 2009-2010 academic year: Teología Fundamental. guide de Iniciación (6th edition), by Jutta Burggraf; Noviazgo: ¿seguros? Ideas para acertar (2nd corrected edition), by Rafael Hernández; Moral, el arte de vivir (2nd Polish edition), Para ser cristiano (3rd Polish edition), Los bienes invisibles (2nd edition), and Antropología Teológica (2nd printing), by Juan Luis Lorda; Verdad y libertad. Cuestiones de moral fundamental (2nd edition), by Enrique Molina and Tomás Trigo; Medicina pastoral (5th edition), by Miguel Ángel Monge; and Breve Historia de la Philosophy Medieval (2nd revised and enlarged edition), by Josep-Ignasi Saranyana.

Translations include the following: Understanding the Gospels, Scepter, by Vicente Balaguer; Libertà vissuta con la forza della fede, by Jutta Burggraf; 50 vragen over Jezus, by Juan Chapa; Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews, by Antonio García-Moreno; St. Josemaría Escrivá, The Way. A critical-historical edition, by Pedro Rodríguez; Pielgrzymi wiary i swiadkowie zmartwychws-talego. List Pasterski Arcybiskupa Santiago de Compostela zokazji Roku Jubileuszowego and Humanizm. Dobra niewidzialne, by Piotr Roszak; and the Polish edition of Humanismo I and the Dutch edition of Moral, el arte de vivir, by Juan Luis Lorda.



