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Solidarity book shipment

training centers and professional associations in Latin America have received more than 800 copies of "Management Assistants: growth staff/ corporate excellence" by ISSA professor Rafael Hernandez.

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The book has also benefited staff from high school and the students. PHOTO: Courtesy.
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PHOTO: Courtesy.
12/03/14 12:29

Thanks to the financial cooperation of individuals, more than 800 books by ISSA Ethics Professor Rafael Hernández Urigüen have been sent to training centers and professional associations in Latin America to be distributed free of charge to students and professionals with limited resources.

This book compiles nearly 100 situations, cases, testimonials and interviews of professionals who transmit their experience in solving problems related to the world of business and attendance of management.

One of the most important mailings was to the association National Association of Secretaries in the Health Sector (ANASSES), whose president, Gloria Meza Camargo, distributes copies among professionals of the attendance Management and Executive Secretariat. She does so through agreement with the Peruvian Ministry of Health, where she presented the work of the ISSA professor to raise awareness of the importance of the current figure of the Assistant and the need for these professionals to be trained in values. On the day of the administrative assistant, ANASSES distributes copies of the book among the most outstanding professionals.

Last year, copies were also sent to high school Superior Tecnológico Condoray, in Peru, a professional training center that gives young women from the province of Cañete the opportunity to pursue careers in Hotel Management, Executive Secretarial and Accounting, achieving a real promotion of women through Education.

Copies of the book were distributed at conferences, as recognition of merit to the first places or at the meeting of graduates. "The staff of the high school and the students have also benefited", emphasizes Carola Santos, manager of Condoray.

And recently another request came from Ciudad del Carmen, in Campeche (Mexico). Professor Gricel Arjona, founder of the association Mexicana de Secretarias y Asistentes Administrativos, A.C. (AMEXSAA), wrote to Professor Rafael Hernandez requesting his partnership.

Professor Arjona teaches training to secretaries and administrative assistants of the Technological University of Campeche UTCAM, to families of fishermen and vendors, to rural micro-entrepreneurs and to indigenous women who support their families and communities with their work.

project on the move

The teacher and author of the book confirms that the project, started in 2010, is still underway and that requests for books are still coming in. The latest, from the Father Gumucio School in Chile.

In addition to the books on Management Assistants, thanks to this project also about 350 copies of the works of the same author "Noviazgo ¿seguros?" and "Juego, ecología y work".

How to collaborate?

All those who wish to collaborate, even with a small financial contribution, can make deposits in this Kutxabank account:

ES77 2095 5957 7610 7036 9474

When making the transfer it can be written as a concept: "free books Latin America".



