Cristina Ugarte, researcher at School of Education and Psychology, Cristina Ugarte, award Francisco Altarejos
The doctoral student of the University of Navarra has been awarded for the best communication in the X of the CIFE.

FotoCedida/ResearcherCristina Ugarte with Concepción Naval and Aurora Bernal.
12 | 09 | 2023
Cristina Ugarte Abollado, doctoral student at the University of Navarra, obtained last Friday, September 8, the Francisco Altarejosaward for her communication 'Self-consciousness in the Kierkegaardian work of "The deadly disease. Educating for life: the art of being oneself'. at the X of the International congress of Philosophy of Education (CIFE) held at the University of Barcelona.
In his communication, Ugarte analyzed Kierkegaard's work through one of the elements core topic within the argument of the same: self-consciousness. "It is a philosophical work, in core topic existential, ethical and Christian, which serves as resource educational to reflect on great questions of human life: who one is, where one comes from, and how to be happy in life," she says. These questions, explains the researcher, "are timely" within the concerns of the university stage, and were framed within the theme proposed for this year by the CIFE.
The researcher, who is currently in her second year at doctorate, is developing her doctoral thesis on 'The donal character of the person in the Education of character. A comparison between current proposals and that of Leonardo Polo'. This work of research is directed by the researchers of the School of Education and Psychology Concepción Naval and Gonzalo Alonso. In it, it is proposed whether Leonardo Polo's anthropological vision can contribute to the current discussion of the Education of Character, focusing on the donation staff as the proper purpose of moral growth.
Also participating in this edition were professors and researchers from School of Education and Psychology: Alvaro Balaguer, Jorge Luis Villacís, Daniela Salgado, Mónica Argemí and Karen Armijos, Dolores Conesa, Mª Carmen García Torres, Claudia Quiroz, and Juan Pablo Dabdoub.
award Francisco Altarejos
The award Francisco Altarejos is one of the two awarded at congress. Specifically, this award commemorates the figure of researcher and professor at the University of Navarra, Francisco Altarejos. The professor was Full Professor of Philosophy of the Education and author of numerous works in this discipline. He was director of department of Fundamental Pedagogy, Associate Dean of Sciences of the Education, and Director of doctoral program in Education at this university from 2002 until his retirement.