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Researcher Isabel Sainz Bariáin, collaborator of group TriviUN, publishes a complete festejo of viceregal theater on a rare copy located in the USA.

The text, which is in the Huntington Library in San Marino (California), has made it possible to reconstruct for the first time the Baroque spectacle surrounding the Comedia of San Francisco de Borja.

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PHOTO: Courtesy
13/03/18 16:18

Power, Fasto y teatro: la Comedia de san Francisco de Borja (1640), by Matías de Bocanegra, in its festive context is the result of the doctoral thesis of Isabel Sainz Bariáin, directed by the Full Professor Miguel Zugasti Zugasti and framed in the projects "Teatro y fiesta en el Siglo de Oro: España y América" (PIUNA: 11328402) and "Teatro, fiesta y ritual en la monarquía hispánica (ss. XVI-XVII)" (MINECO: FFI2013-48644-P).

This critical edition of the Novo-Hispanic festejo that the Society of Jesus composed to celebrate the arrival in 1640 of the Marquis of Villena to Mexico City as the new viceroy is based on two complementary copies: the one in the New York Public Library and the one found in the Huntington Library in San Marino (California). The comparison of both texts has made it possible to incorporate into this edition the components that were part of the festivities, thus offering texts that were unknown until now: the Adición a los festejos que en la Ciudad de México se hicieron al Marqués, mi señor, con el particular que le dedicó el Collegio de la Compañía de Jesús, a sung romance that preceded the loa, the Panegyris pro ingressu Marchionis in Collegium Christiferum and the Parte tercera de los aplausos y fiestas que se hicieron al excellentísimo señor Marqués de Villena .

The meticulous literary and textual study of the work is completed with a profuse information on the historical context in which the celebration is framed, that is, the civil celebration in New Spain and, specifically, the entries around the figure of the Marquis of Villena. Likewise, it delves into the figure of Matías de Bocanegra, the author of the festivity, which is a decisive step forward in the knowledge of his life and work.



