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II International Symposium "Theater and Festivities in the Golden Age: Spain and the Americas


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Participants in the international symposium PHOTO: Manuel Castells
30/11/17 15:28

Some thirty specialists from universities in Spain, USA, Germany and France gathered at the University of Navarra to celebrate the II International Symposium "Theater and Festivity in the Golden Age: Spain and America". The meeting, organized by the group of research interdisciplinary TriviUN (Theater, Literature and Visual Culture of the University of Navarra), was held in Pamplona on November 22, 23 and 24, at classroom 30 of Central Building. The symposium was organized by Dr. Carmen Pinillos (department of Philology) and Dr. José Javier Azanza (department of History and Art History).

In addition to the lectures, two publishers specialized in area presented their publications: the German Edition Reichenberger and the French Presses universitaires du Midi (Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès). Other complementary activities included a jury search for a 400-year-oldcompetition and a recital of classical texts by the company La Contrayerba.

The group TriviUN counts with professors-researchers from the Schools of Philosophy and Letters, and Education and Psychology. The meeting is framed within the actions corresponding to the project of the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (MINECO), Subdirección General de Proyectos de research (reference letter: FFI2013-48644-P), and are supported by the University of Navarra through its incentive program to research PIUNA 2017.



