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Back to 2022_06_13 Mercedes Galán Decana Derecho

Mercedes Galán Lorda, new dean of the University's Law Department School

research Professor at History of Law, her research interests include History of Law navarro y de los fueros.

FotoManuelCastells/The new dean of the School de Derecho, Mercedes Galán Lorda.

13 | 06 | 2022

The president of the University of Navarra, María Iraburu, has appointed Professor Mercedes Galán Lorda, new dean of the School of Law. Mercedes Galán replaces Professor Jorge Noval Pato, who had held the position since 2013, at position . Born in Pamplona, Mercedes Galán is a professor at History of Law and has been vice dean of research and academic staff at School from 2020 to date. She is deputy director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro.

Mercedes Galán holds a degree and doctorate in Law from the University of Navarra. In 1987 she joined School as an assistant lecturer in Law. She taught teaching at the University of A Coruña as a full professor between 1995 and 1996, when she returned to the University of Navarra, where she has been a professor of History of Law since 2015. 

A specialist in History of Law and Institutions, his lines of research at research include the history and institutions of Navarrese foral law and the Indian History of Law . Among his publications on Navarre, he has studied the regional law Reducido and regional law General de Navarra, the compilations of Navarrese law, the administration of justice, the antecedents of the Diputación, the agent of the kingdom of Madrid, the origins of the viceroyalty, special forms of property and the institution of the Ombudsman. 

The new Dean of the School Law School is the author of 11 books, including Historia de los Fueros de Navarra and El Derecho de Navarra; she is co-author of El Defensor del Pueblo de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra and Los términos faceros de la Merindad de Pamplona. She has participated in various projects at research and has been speaker at national and international conferences. 

Mercedes Galán is a member of the Sociedad de programs of study Históricos de Navarra, which she chaired for eight years (2003-2011); of the high school Internacional de History of Law Indiano; and a member of the Sociedad Española de History of Law. She is also a member of the Documentary assessment Commission of the Government of Navarre.



