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24 new students start a Master's Degree in the School of Sciences

19 students start the Master's Degree in research Biomedical and 5 the Master's Degree in Computational Methods in Science.

13 | 09 | 2023

This morning the opening ceremony o f the XV edition of theMaster's Degree in research Biomedical and the closing ceremony and submission of diplomas of the XIV edition were held at the classroom Magna of the Central Building of the University. The event was attended by Alberto Pérez Mediavilla, Dean of the School of Sciences, who welcomed the attendees, and Dr. Isabel Fabregat, professor of research at high school of research Biomedical Bellvitge (IDIBELL) and CIBEREHD, who gave the session "The maze of cancer".

The Master's Degree in research Biomedical starts this year with 19 students enrolled who come mostly from Spain (16 students from Alicante, Barcelona, Madrid, León, Vizcaya and Valencia) while 3 are international students (Ecuador, Mexico and Nicaragua). Of the students enrolled, 9 are studying the specialization program in Cancer, 5 are studying Regenerative Medicine and 5 are studying Neuroscience and Cognition.

On the other hand, on the same day the closing ceremony of the III edition and the opening of the IV promotion of the Master's Degree in Computational Methods in Science was held. In this third edition, 5 students are participating, 4 of which are alumni from the University and their origins are as follows: Madrid, Alava, Navarra, Valladolid and Ecuador.

Closing and Opening of Master's Degrees (13/09/23)



