Enrique Aubá: "People who consume on a regular basis get off the train of life".
New meeting organized by the project Preaddiction, from the School of Nursing and the School of Architecture.
14 | 02 | 2023
The project Preaddiction: a campus that cares has held the second roundtable about the experience of professionals who treat patients who use substances. On this occasion, Enrique Aubá, a psychiatrist at the Clínica Universidad de Navarraand Blanca Martínez, psychologist at association Antox.
Moderated by the professor of School of Nursing, Idoia Pardavila, some topics around substance use, the reasons that lead to it and possible prevention plans have been exposed. "There are different biopsychosocial factors, which influence at the moment of creating an addiction" explained Martínez, "for it to be considered an addiction, we have to analyze the frequency, quantity and purpose of consumption".
For his part, Aubá referred to the fact of taking into account two criteria "the interference that consumption entails with functioning, and the suffering it produces". He added that "what is not considered an addictive disorder does not mean that it is good for the person".
To prevent consumption, the experts gave some ideas to the students who attended the meeting: "it is vital to talk about topic at home and promote critical thinking" pointed out Martínez, who also made reference letter to the fact of "delaying positive reinforcement, in order not to seek immediacy, because, when consuming, a state of false well-being is sought quickly". Aubá pointed to three levels of prevention: "we should promote health and wellbeing in society through information, the development of healthy habits and the possibility of training caregivers". In addition, the psychiatrist added that when a person begins to consume cannabis "on a regular basis, "they start to slow down and they have no enthusiasm for the same things. It is as if they get off the train of life".
This project aims to bring students closer to the reality experienced by many people suffering from substance use disorders , as well as the work that professionals and associations carry out with users.
New perspectives
During the session, reference letter spoke about the change that has taken place over the years, "there has been a change in terminology and in the way patients are viewed. In the 80s, the drug addict was a delinquent. Little by little it has been understood as a disease and not as a vice," said Martínez. He also pointed to the fact of differentiating consumption between men and women, "men consume because they are looking for new sensations, because of a sense of belonging to group, while women do it, either incited by their partners or because they are looking to overcome gender discomfort".