A project of the School of Philosophy and Letters, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation to investigate the speech of children with hearing difficulties.
Professor Mark Gibson conducts this study at the University's laboratory of Speech.

financial aid The Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government has granted an important financial support to project that Professor Mark Gibson, from School of Philosophy y Letras, is developing with children with hearing difficulties. Carried out at the University of Navarra's laboratory del Habla, at partnership with Eunate, the association of families of hearing impaired people in Navarra, the study will last for three years.
As Professor Gibson explains, "In this project study we are looking at the development of phonology in children with hearing difficulties and normal hearing levels, to see how the phonological knowledge affects articulatory movements. The study also allows us to see if interventions with speech therapists have a positive effect on the speech development ". This project is one of his main lines of research research, whose advances have been published in prestigious journals such as the Journal of Phonetics, Phonetica, or Cognition, among others.
Some students from School of Philosophy and Letters will also participate in the development of project. They usually work with Professor Gibson to train them in the field of speech sciences: "Involving them in my projects is the best way to teach them about the different methodologies we use in this field discipline. This is a very specific field and people who are interested in speech issues tend to have a strong vocation.
meeting A member of the committee Organising Committee of the Paris-Cologne Collaborative Meetings, funded by the French and German governments, he says that every year, when his students present the progress of their work at programs of study, "the doctoral students from the universities of Paris Diderot 7 (France) and Zu Köln (Germany), who also participate in congress, are always surprised that they are students at Degree and not at doctorate, as they are, because they have a very high level". "With a little instruction, students can do extraordinary things," he adds.