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"We have a way of eating that is too closely tied to emotional states."

More than 200 professionals renew their knowledge at the XII conference of update in Nutrition, organized by the University of Navarra.

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conference from update in Nutrition 2018
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
15/03/18 13:20 Laura Juampérez

216 people - mostly professional dietitians-nutritionists, but also students of doctorate, Master's Degree and researchers - have participated in the issue 12 edition of the conference of update in Nutrition, organized by the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra.

This year the central theme of the conference was personalized and precision nutrition. Specifically, the Full Professor of Nutrition of the academic center Alfredo Martínez spoke about the role of Nutrigenetics within personalized nutrition; while the professor of Pharmacy and Nutrition Fermín Milagro spoke about the intestinal microbiota, among other speakers.

This was followed by a roundtable on psychology and emotional nutrition, with the participation of specialist Griselda Herrero, doctor at Biochemistry , dietician-nutritionist and director of Norte Salud Nutrición. According to the expert, although we all eat in an emotional way at some point, "the problem comes when this relationship with food becomes uncontrollable and we do not eat out of hunger, but to satisfy a certain state of mind".

As she explained to the attendees at the annual conference , since we are babies our way of feeding is emotional, "since a mother when breastfeeding her baby not only feeds him, but also gives him affection, protection, etc.". What we should avoid, in her opinion, is to continue with this feeding subject to reward children or to punish them, "and even less so if the award is an unhealthy food. Since later, when they are adults, they will reproduce these habits, and will resort to sweets when they need a stimulus or as award".

The ideal, according to Griselda Herrero, "is to be aware of when, how and how much we eat emotionally, and when we do it because we are hungry, in order to control and measure this subject of attitudes".

The environment around us does not financial aid to eat rationally.

Likewise, the guest at this twelfth edition of the conference of update in Nutrition of the University of Navarra warned that the environment in which we live "is very obesogenic, incites obesity and a very unhealthy nutrition, with advertising omnipresent that relates a certain subject of food with a feeling of wellbeing, so that since childhood we associate chocolate, sweets, etc.. with those pleasant moments, favoring the natural reward system of our brain and hindering a rational and controlled relationship with food".

In addition to the talks and round tables, attendees participated in practical workshops and obtained, at the end of the second workshop, a certificate endorsing this training.



