More than 200 students take part in the 12th edition of congress Forun

15 | 03 | 2022
This year, the topic of congress focused on degree scroll "Building together.The strength of human relationships ". Last Saturday, 5 March, the participants gathered at Central Building to defend the work they had previously submitted. This year's topic has given rise to themes as diverse as loneliness, the importance of smiling and the value of intergenerational relationships.
In total, 18 videos and 33 written papers were presented. In addition, this year saw the inauguration of the artistic modality , in which students could submit a painting, photograph or sculpture that helped to reflect on this topic.
These are the winners of this year's edition:
modality poster
1st Gabriel Virador, Francisco Mas, Jose Antonio Latorre, Javier González Feria and Pelayo Fernández de Mesa for the discussion paper"Reconstructing human relations in the new paradigm", directed by Professor Antonio Moreno.
2nd Antonio Chacón, Vitaliy Stepanyuk and Natalia López Jaramillo for "The grounding of democratic ideas: Rawls' public reason and Truth in the public discussion", directed by Ricardo Piñero.
3rd Blanca Pérez Araluce, Carolina Molina, Elena Segarra, and Beatriz Fernández for "Ven y habla", directed by Jon Borobia.
modality Video
1st Ester Jové, Antonio Ruiz-Canela, Miguel Gimeno, Matteo Ginatta and Sebastián Cruz for "Rebuilding together", directed by Emilio Fuertes.
2nd Mathew Reilly, Paolo Ginatta, Manuel Vera, Diego García de la Garza and Víctor Maspons for "La soledad del sinhogarismo. The power of the absence of human relationships", directed by Javier García Manglano.
3rd José Rodríguez Losada, Santiago Medina, Ángel Ribera, Pedro Villalobos and Enrique Tudela for "Elegir es renunciar", directed by Juan Carlos Martín.
modality Artistic Creation
1st Ana Jiménez-Villarejo for "Ante el aislamiento social".
2nd Ana Isabel Sandoval for "Por Córsega".
What is Forun
For the last twelve years, students from the University have been organising a congress designed for the students themselves. The goal is a space for discussion, reflection and dialogue on topics that often do not come up in classes but are very relevant for today's university students. In past editions, the talks have focused on issues such as the importance of a solid Education , the transformative power of work or how to live in a world in constant movement.