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"Alfonso XIII" wins the second edition of VIDIOMAS

The jury valued the work of high school Montealto for its suitability to the theme of the contest and the good level of language.

15/05/15 17:19 Paula Zubiaur

It was a close battle among the VIDIOMAS finalists. Among the ten videos that made it to the last phase, selected from among the most voted videos on YouTube, only one could emerge as the winner of the contest. After a long deliberation, the jury decided that the winning entry should be"Alfonso XIII", a video in English made by two 2nd year students of high school diploma from high school Montealto in Madrid.

The main reason that motivated the jury to select this work among its competitors was its suitability to the theme of the contest. "They selected a 'tall' topic . The video goes in crescendo: from less interesting to more interesting, it becomes more animated as it progresses," said Ana María González, professor of Oral and Written Communication II at ISSA School of Management Assistants, "The image and the words blend in a natural way, integrating all the elements of the video," she added. Nora Sullivan, English teacher at Degree in attendance de Dirección, highlighted the informative nature of speech and the naturalness of the students: "It may not be the funniest or most creative video, but the English is good and they have combined the figure of the King with the Madrid Metro in a nice way".

"Alfonso XIII" won in the final over the ten finalists, although the jury also highlighted two works of a very high level:"Trajan", by three students from high school Entreolivos (Seville), and"Pèlerin a Pampleune", by three students from high school El Redín (Pamplona), both in French. Regarding the first one, the jury highlighted the elaboration, the interaction of the students and the images. "It is the best video in French of all those submitted. The pronunciation, especially of the first girl who speaks, is perfect," said Carmen Poher, French teacher at Degree in attendance de Dirección. About the second video, the appropriateness to the theme and the spontaneity of speech were highlighted. "Within the simplicity of topic, a pilgrim arriving in the city, it manages to give an overview of Pamplona. In addition, the speech is well worked and is very natural" remarked Poher.

Of the 87 entries submitted, 75 were entered into the contest. A total of 28 schools from all over Spain submitted videos.


The members of the jury wanted to highlight the best videos at the language level in each of the three languages of the contest, which were awarded to the following works:

  • accredited specialization for Best Video in French,"Trajan" (high school Entreolivos, Sevilla)

  • accredited specialization for Best Video in German,"Colonia Güell, Barcelona" (Fert Batxillerat, Barcelona)

  • accredited specialization I for Best Video in English,"Agustina of Aragon" (high school La Salle Gran Vía, Zaragoza)

  • accredited specialization II for Best Video in English,"Antoni Gaudí" (ES International School, Barcelona)

The four works will receive in the center educational an accrediting diploma with the recognition.


María Alonso-Alegre and Leticia del Villar, the students of the winning team, as well as Elsa Lobera, the teacher who guided the work, will each receive an electronic tablet as award .

Among the 75 videos that entered the contest, a pack (course + accommodation) has been raffled to participate in the IV The World Of Business. result The video that has won the prize after the draw was issue 9 of the playlist #Vidiomas15 on YouTube, graduate "Le Roi Charles I", by a group of students of 1st year of high school diploma of high school Monaita (Granada).

In addition, The story of a legend: Rafael Nadal and Rudy Fernandez/ Sant Josep Obrer News 2.0 will get a kit from the University for getting 50 'likes' on Facebook after sharing their videos from the official ISSA page on that social network .




