The University, Clinic and CIMA, Navarre's benchmarks for participation and fundraising in the Horizon 2020 Programme.
According to the Center for Industrial Technology development , the University leads the ranking of Navarre entities with the most approved projects.

The University of Navarra, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra y CIMA have obtained more than €17.5 million for projects from research since the Horizon 2020 Program began in 2014, according to data published by the Horizon 2020 Dashboard program website.
From agreement with the provisional results of Spain's participation in the Horizon 2020 Program updated to 2018 and recently published by the Center for Industrial Technological development (CDTI), the University of Navarra, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and CIMA have been approved 34 projects, of which 15 are coordinated. This figure represents 22.8% of the total funding obtained in Navarra, which positions these entities as leaders in the ranking of Navarra organizations with the most approved projects.
"These data are the materialization of several strategic axes, the firm commitment to be an international university. research university and to be an international university. On the other hand, it is important the contribution that the University makes to Navarra with the European projects it obtains, both for obtaining funds that are attracted to carry out cutting-edgeresearch in Navarra, and to position it in a preferential place in Spain and Europe, in the field of research and development+i", says Javier Mata, director of management of the research of the academic center.
Among the projects financed, the three awarded by the European committee of research through the ERC-Starting and Consolidator grants, which represent more than 5.4 million euros destined to research against cancer, stand out. These calls are the most prestigious at European level and reward researchers by granting them funding to create, develop and consolidate their own research teams.
In addition, the University of Navarra, Clínica Universidad de Navarra and CIMA have obtained several strategic projects for the attraction and training of young researchers in different scientific disciplines through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie calls (Individual Fellowships and Innovative Training Networks). They also participate in pioneering projects of research related to the development of intelligent systems that integrate renewable energies in buildings and neighborhoods (project SABINA), and with the development of a prototype of a vestibular implant for the restoration of postural balance (project BionicVEST).
"The data encourage us to continue working towards the end of the Horizon 2020 program and the program that will succeed it, Horizon Europe, in order to continue obtaining results that can be transferred to society, improving medicine, the environment, etc.," says Mata.
The University of Navarra's Horizon 2020 plan is based on the ability to generate alliances and partnerships with the public and private sectors. This direct interaction with the social environment allows the university to identify those challenges of knowledge that are pressing for society and to provide solutions applied to productive or social areas that are capable of absorbing them.