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An expert from the University of Navarra advocates teaching as an individual and not a group activity.

Javier Tourón participated in Mexico in the IV Iberoamerican Pedagogy congress

15/09/10 13:42
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Professor Javier Tourón. PHOTO:

"A group teaching is oriented to the middle student which, by definition, does not exist anywhere, because it is an abstraction". This was stated by Javier Tourón, professor at the School of Philosophy y Letras, during a speech at the IV Ibero-American Pedagogy congress , which took place in Mexico.

The expert explained that tending to individualization and adapting to the needs of each student is essential for a correct intellectual development : "We understand that it is necessary to provide all children with an equal opportunity to learn and develop their potential plenary session of the Executive Council. This is consistent with the true meaning of Education, which involves being sensitive and consistent with individual differences."

In this sense, he pointed out the following: "This trend towards individualization, which is necessary for all students, is essential for the most capable, who usually see their development and learning slowed down in a school that is not well adapted to their needs". He added that "young people require early identification of their needs and a correct adaptation to their pace so as not to ruin their eagerness to know and their motivation".

He also insisted on the idea of improving the techniques of assessment as guide of the teaching process in order to "adapt to the demands of each student". In this line, he stressed that, to achieve this, "it is essential to resort to new information and communication technologies (ICT)".

Excellence, a goal

During his speech, Javier Tourón also suggested that excellence should be one of the priority goals of any system educational: "Ensuring excellence is an immediate consequence of respect for diversity and the consideration that each person has not only a different pace, but also different skills and abilities", he asserted.

Finally, he indicated that promote excellence is equivalent to "facilitating the necessary educational resources that allow each student to go as far, as fast, as wide and as deep as their capacity and skill allow them to go", according to his words.



