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25th anniversary of the second graduating class in Economics

More than one hundred alumni "return" to the University of Navarra

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15/10/18 18:11 Andres Juarez

The School Economics celebrated the 25th anniversary of its second graduating class on October 13. During the event, which was attended by more than one hundred alumni, Professor José Antonio Alfaro (ECO'93) shared with his former classmates from class and with the graduates of the III promotion of the double Degree in Economics and Law the advances and novelties of School, including the new Degrees and internationalization.


submission Likewise, the alumni wanted to recognize professors Francisco Galera (PhD ECO'91) and Antonio Tolsá (FIS'67) for their dedication and submission to the work professor in the years when they were students.

This activity is part of the University of Navarra's annual meeting alumni , which this year brought together graduates from 24 different graduating classes Schools. During the central act of the workshop, which took place at the University of Navarra Museumthe President, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, wanted to emphasize that the alumni are the ones who make it possible for the University's projects to go forward and encouraged the attendees to be part of them. "What do we expect from you? That you continue to show what the University is all about, that you are at contact with us, that you look at the projects we have and choose one to promote."



