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Columbia and Navarre Universities organize a seminar on architectural manifestos

You can discuss and comment on subject on twitter with the hashtag #wood111811.

15/11/11 08:06
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Poster of the seminar. PHOTO: Courtesy

The School of Architecture of Columbia University (GSAPP), in New York, and the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra have organized a seminar on the fate and appropriateness of Architectural Manifestos today, as well as their historical perspective, to be held on November 18 in the United States.

Other experts will include Craig Buckley, Beatriz Colomina, Peter Eisenman, Carlos Labarta, Jeffrey Schnapp, Felicity Scott, Bernard Tschumi, Anthony Vidler, Enrique Walker and Mark Wigley.

The activity, which will take place in New York under the degree scroll 'What happened to the architectural manifesto?', consolidates the cooperation between the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra and the GSAPP School of Architecture at Columbia University. It is a preliminary seminar to the VIII International Spanish Architecture congress 'Las revistas de arquitectura (1900-1975): crónicas, manifiestos, propaganda', to be held at campus in Pamplona in May 2012.

A meeting twitter point has been set up to discuss and comment on topic with the hashtag: #wood111811.



